Yes I believe creators should get more credit and revenue for their AI generated work. I have concerns about the abilities of AI leading to a decrease in creative processes and decrease in the thrill of curiosity. It’s a lofty concept to try to figure out how to regulate AI so that its applications don’t diminish people. I can see some real benefits to society but my doubts are with our political leaders to manage this technology. That sounds kind of cynical; maybe this will be their moment of success.

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Jun 24Liked by Ari Melber

But when you consider they can't even regulate internet, social media, games, or even sensible gun laws to hope they will get AI right we are still dealing with rape in the military in 2024 and no justice so my optimism escapes me I think.

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I second it !!?

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You are so right

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Jun 24Liked by Ari Melber

Not much reason to trust our political leaders to manage this well, after all. Not cynical, realistic & truthful. 🖖🏻

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Wish it could happen, Truda, but their “moment of success” is nil. Technology is just eons above their capabilities. We are caught in a faction/money trap of politics, so candidates are no longer evaluated by voters, as to how they might contribute to their welfare and well-being. Consequently, we have AI, and other algorithms, doing whatever and running grossly out of control.

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The biggest problem, my Queen, is that Congress, which is supposed to provide some oversight, is populated with ideologues and old white geezers who are still living in the 19th Century and are more interested in getting re-elected than in helping the people.

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Not just old geezers but young ones too.

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We all certainly hope that Colin Allred can defeat Deadhead Ted in Texas come November!

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Let's pray, hope and keep our fingers crossed 🤞 that Colin Allred will win Texas.

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I think that he can, Ms Pearl!🙏👍👌💕

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Correct, Ms Pearl! Even after the Orange Turd is gone, we will still be stuck with people like Marjy3Shames!

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Exactly David, unfortunately we are stuck with them.

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Very true.

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I couldn't have said anything better than you did!? Well put!!

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As always you words are so important

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Ms Truda, you paint a somewhat benign picture and I share some of your sentiments. Unfortunately, as we have seen with the Internet, there seems to be far more Trolls than good guys. Don't expect very much from our 'do nothing' Congress, their focus is on getting tRump back in office and getting themselves re-elected!

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Internet is a repository of so much shit. I used to think Congress wanted to return to 1950 but actually it’s more 1850. Despite all this I think our country is salvageable- at least I hope so. You are right. There’s nothing benign about any of this

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😂😂😂”Shid” is right! Jordan Klepper shows us all the time, their voters can’t generate one sane thought! If I were a genie, I’d put them on a farm, with their legislators and the government, for which they voted. Then see how long they survive without The New Deal, Obamacare, and Bidenomics!

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My Queen, they would immediately secede from the Union, become a Banana Republic, and apply for Foreign Aid and Food Stamps!

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From whom? Not us, and SNAP is government funded. Their “Farm” supports Tax Cuts, so no funding in the till! They’ve already seceded from us—remember? I’m the Genie who did it😂

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Well then, my Queen, I Dream Of Genie!

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Ms Truda, the MAGAs long for the Halcyon Days of 1820 to 1850 when White, Christian Males were the Lords of All Creation, Women didn't have the vote and knew their place (the kitchen!) and minorities weren't so Damn uppity because they were either enslaved or indentured servants!

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Mr. Wells, I would respectfully disagree with your stereotyped take on MAGA. I will not dive deeply into this argument, as it goes only into the abyss. None of what you say, I find correct. I am an American, a pale white woman of 71, a woman of God and follower of Christ. I have lived through death and destruction and loss and sorrow. I do not trust politicians of any stripe but you are incorrect about the MAGA movement. Trump is blunt, raw and real. He is majorly flawed, like both Clintons, Obama, Nixon, Biden and every other holder of high political office. I have no great love for Congress, as it is hopelessly convoluted. I am not an R nor a D, I remain an Independent. MAGA to me, means independence, a gathering of the ordinary and not the "elites". I consider myself a "hobbit", or an ordinary person in the background, who has never had a voice in the realms of power. Based on my observation of the starkness of human beings in 2024, I will take the ordinary human beings who work and think and pray and offer hands and heart and who live down on the real ground with the rest of us. Godspeed to us all, who will keep holding on while the world comes apart. WEW

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Well, Ms Wendy, this is still a free country (for now) But if MAGA has their way, it won't be for much longer! I can't argue with Women Empowering Women because most Men certainly won't but I cannot support anyone who is for the Orange Turd or people who are anti vaxx, anti science and anti learning in general. I am a soon-to-be 75 year old secular humanist. As I said, you are entitled to your own beliefs and opinions but you are NOT entitled to impose them on anyone else! You may find comfort in your faith but it will not save you from: a) Natural Disasters b) A Celestial Object That Striles The Earth c) Death At The Hands Of The Next Pandemic or d) Our Own Stupidity. If there ever is another Pandemic (Perish The Thought!), whom would you want in charge: Joe the capable or Donnie the incompetent?

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Mr. Wells, as I said, I simply and politely disagree with your context in every way.  God gives freedom to decide one's path in life. You can choose and so can I. I simply disagree with everything you said. I am not "imposing" anything whatsoever on you and yours. It seems to be the opposite, Leftist or nothing. As a former far Leftist and agnostic, I have no desire to return to that sorrow. I am a polar opposite to you. I am not a Republican, Democrat or any party member. I remain a woman of God and follower of Christ and will continue that, NOT imposing but defending my right to free speech, worship and freedom to maintain my life. Since you do not know God or His Son or the incredible mercy shown to flawed and messy human beings like all of us, self at the top of the list, I can only share the wonders of God's wisdom and presence that I have experienced in my 71 years of life. You can choose your way into Eternity. I do not condemn you! I will side on God's side, as He knows things I do not. I remain with "Godspeed" to all, until our last breath. As the Psalmist David said, "I would rather be a doorkeep in the house of God, then dwell in the tents of wickedness. " Bring your sorrows and angers directly to God and simply ASK Him questions, ask Him to help! He hears, He responds, He is real. Bye, Mr. Wells, WEW

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I like the long essays; keep them.

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Yes-Please keep long essays.

One question: was AI used Ari? :)

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I like the long essays ... (but TRY to condense them to SHORTER so they can be absorbed more quickly).

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Some ideas need longer texts to get complex, and sometimes emotional or theoretical, points across. Especially when writing for the general public.

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Okay .... but still TRY ! ;-)

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“Resistance is futile!” It pains me to say that because, even given the benevolent advancements in areas like healthcare, AI is still not our friend. Someone will always benefit—and it won’t be us (as evidence already by Nvidia and Microsoft). To paraphrase Dr. Ian Malcolm in Jurassic Park; “You guys were so wrapped up in finding out if you could do this, you never stopped to ask yourselves if you should.” The same, I think, haunted Oppenheimer after the bombs were created. But, this is what science does.

Back to the Borg—I’m reminded of how the Borg were ultimately defeated thus proving their premise of futility wrong—they were bested by humans who could think creatively without algorithms and by an Android whose only wish was to become human. Imagine that. We could all benefit from re-learning our Star Trek.

I LOVE reading you here, Ari. And I have loved watching your show as you help us understand the nuances in the law as it pertains to our current era.

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Appreciate these points, and the references. Thank you

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Kert Lenseigne, you had the same thought I did, about the Borg! One of S.T the Next Generation's best plot themes, the Borg underestimated the flawed and mercurial humans and were finally outstripped by them. In S.T. Voyager, as "Seven of Nine" would say, "Fun will now commence." Humans have their ways and they do survive, despite the traumas of our world. WEW

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LOVE THIS!!! Not only was that Borg plot theme one of the best of the series, “The Best of Both Worlds,” parts one and two, that spanned the third and fourth seasons, were the two best episodes of the entire series. Fun to know someone else appreciates this. Picard/Locutus: “I am Locutus of Borg. Resistance is futile. Your life as it has been, is over. From this time forward, you will service… us.” RIker: “Mr. Worf…fire!” THE most classic way to end a season!

Going back to AI…AI is not our friend. Will we even know when it will be us servicing it? If anything else can be said with 100% absolute certainty, it’s “Resistance is futile.” Isn’t it said about the best of science fiction—that it is history yet to be lived?

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Kert, Locutus/Picard finally saying to the Enterprise crew, "sleep" and that meant to place the Borg in sleep mode to defeat them...that worked.

AI is not my cup of tea. I am a woman of God and stay bonded to the Ultimate Intelligence, the One Who created all. I will not trust my life ultimately to anything but God and His Son. "I would rather be a doorkeep in the house of the Lord than dwell in the tents of wickedness." From a Psalm of King David.

I am blessed to enjoy a discussion with you. Wendy

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A woman of God, but better…also a Trekker and adept fan of STTNG!!! LOL!!!

You have my RESPECT!!!

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Humble thanks, Kert, I salute you as well! Good to keep our minds sharp in the excellent discussions on Substack Notes! I will check out your site very soon. Blessings of the night! WEW

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So good Kert, I wanted to like it twice! The hive mind only ever absorbed and destroyed on Generations. Such a good point. Plus, loved the Data reference. 🫵 = 💪

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Love it Jen! Thank you. With every passing day, we are living more and more in a Star Trek world. We’re just heeding the lessons and morals of those stories.

Gene Roddenberry was a genius! And a mystic!

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Agree. Stories and characters that reflect the complexities of the human condition never get old. We just see them in new ways as we age with experience.

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Spot on Kert!

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A fellow “Trekker?” I can spot ‘em a mile away.

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Jun 24Liked by Ari Melber

Thanks for a thought-provoking essay. I just finished reading Robert Skidelsky's MINDLESS: The Human Condition in the Age of Artificial Intelligence that draws on an array of disciplines to engage with some of the questions you raised. As a retired trial lawyer, I appreciate your always intelligent (and intelligible) take on legal issues. And as a fellow U of M alum, I'll close with Go Blue!

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Go Blue! thanks Harvey, will check out that book too

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I relished this essay and look forward to more thoughtful well informed ruminations like this. And the picture of Dylan as Picasso might have painted him was fabulous. Thanks for writing this. 🙏

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Really love this explanation of all the pluses' and minuses of AI. Your curiosity of AI helps all of us with a better understanding of this new technology.

As for the AI created art, I prefer the original of Mona. AI on the others need refinement!

Music wise, don't we already have Muzak, artificially created music?Would I recognize the AI music of Bach or Rachmaninoff? What would AI Hip Hop sound like? Would it need the experiences of the hood to make it relatable?

It sounds scary! What is life without challenges to learn about the unknown? I suggest caution and more articles like this!

Thanks Ari! 😉

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Jun 24Liked by Ari Melber

Quite unsettling. I like this long form style of writing, especially the examples you created. It’s a brave new world we’re living in.

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Jun 24Liked by Ari Melber

Great article. Of course we have already seen the use of AI to forge and fabricate legal documents, maybe sometimes by accident. But I fear that increasingly it will be on purpose And already we’ve seen the need for human eyes to verify sources.

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Jun 24Liked by Ari Melber

Absolutely, creators should get more credit and revenue for their AI generated work. This essay is bringing me back to earlier pages in Yuval Noah Harari’s Homo Deus, published back in 2016. He had the prescience of questioning the unprecedented power of AI and whether we will value it over humans. It is all very unnerving indeed. But great discussion to have as we all make sense of our future in culture and politics.

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Jun 24Liked by Ari Melber

The possibilities are endless and both exciting and scary. The cultural adjustment is going to continue to shake everything up.

I am not sure how compensation should be given but standing on the shoulders of giants shouldn’t include not giving both credit and payment.

I am enjoying these essays.


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Thanks Sue, and right, AI is currently only 'tall' by standing on all that...

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Jun 24Liked by Ari Melber

Thought provoking - in both good and bad ways. I like this long form, Ari. You write and reason well, which is why I've been a fan for years.

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Love The Beatle reference. It’s gonna be all right. All right. All right. Or will it? Ask AI. The worlds gone mad

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Jun 24Liked by Ari Melber

At times more words are needed to analyze and share the information so these longer essays are good addition to the shorter commentaries.

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Ari, the AI generated image resembles Max Headroom, a precursor to AI. I've got to hand it to you, Ari. In a recent episode you referenced: George Orwell, Crossing the Rubicon, the Big Kahuna, and, of course, the nod to the Beach Boys and their 'Excitations' and 'Good Vibrations'. In another episode, you referenced the Duesenberg, a classic car of Yesteryear. This is why we keep tuning in, Ari. You are the Master of all Time and Space. We like it, we love it, and we can't get enough of it!

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So I remember Max but don't think I've thought of him in many years! Certainly fits with AI's material today (and shows how art/sci-fi have some uncanny predictions).

and thanks!

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Jun 24Liked by Ari Melber

Absolutely fascinating musings on AI. We need a whole new framework and language to create a legislative, ethical, and moral framework for the biggest revolution of IOT.

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Scary to even conjure the damage ahead of us and this isn't even in the radar yet..

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