Finally. This gives me hope of America.

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Me too.🥳

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Mar 31, 2023
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Mar 31, 2023Edited
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I don’t open links - but I was singing Ding Dong the Dick is dead .... 😂 we have been dealing with that guy waaayyy to long!

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I always thought he was the Antichrist myself

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I thought of him as a besotted, bloated, over-indulgent, and wasted emperor. Something along these lines. lol

There's a meme for this. I tried to copy and paste it but Ari runs a tight ship around here. I can see why.

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I get your drift!😏 I agree on your description!!

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Apr 7, 2023
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Apr 7, 2023
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I must say - I agree with you 💯!!

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Apr 6, 2023
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LOL!!!!😏 I'm still chuckling over what you said!! I love that scenario!! IF ONLY

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Ding dong the witch is dead--my favorite

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WHEN The Hell did you find the time to write this 😂 what a day!! I think I shall remember March 30, 2023!!

His son is stupid - period! 😂

I turned right to Ari Melber for the follow up to the Announcement!

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I wrote it after going on Chris Hayes' show tonight

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Great job Ari!!! Your writings are always so detailed and informative. Thank you for assuring us that Dump will not have the luxury of being pardoned. That was great to hear. 👍🙏🤗

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Amen to that!!! They say the wheels of Justice turn slowly and now as Americans we are seeing just how slowly they turn but they are turning that's progress

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Damn you’re good!

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You are relentless Mr. Melber. So glad I recorded Chris Hayes . You two together are 🔥!

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Yom Hu'ledet Sameach

(What a long awaited *gift* delivered the evening prior)

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You work too hard Ari. One of the things I love about you, oh and that you're from Seattle.

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Viewed I particularly like Andrew Weissman good insights according to the law

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BTW Mr. Melber - Happy Birthday 🎂🎊🎁!! We would definitely have baked a cake for you had we known!! Enjoy your birthday youngun!! 🥂

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Always impressive!

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We stand together as we witness accountability and the voices of justice

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And what a way to start the bday celebrations! Happy belated Ari!!!

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He can play it 2 ways A martyr or his usual. A birthday gift like no other lol

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Hi Pamela, I thought the same thing.. Definitely a day we will never forget. I know it's going to be a long process , but it's a start of accountability. Yep Jr. Is an idiot. On to the updates!!!

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Adam Corolla was just on FAUX saying we use White Supremacy as the most horrible thing - it is a great time to be a racist because of Dems - WTF!?!?!

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Unbelievable how these racist bigots are so comfortable admitting how they truly feel. Of course Dump gave them all the thumbs up to be who they really are. 🤬🤬🤬

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Yes! There were plenty of them but they were at least under a rock - now it is constant - too many young ones that have had ppl like half of our Congress telling them that Confederate flags& statues are our history - anti Woke - it is like all decency left these people long ago, if they ever had it

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They have normalized hatred towards communities that are not like them. Congress has been infested with the white supremacy mentality. Lead by the likes of Marjorie Traitor Green. Sickening how McCarthy has allowed so much of this horrible behavior. Just so he can be Speaker. When in reality, he has no power. He is only their puppet.

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Margaret “Traitor” Green! Now, that’s a great one😂😂😂. But worse than her was Tim Scott, last week, saying, “Woke Supremacy is as bad as White Supremacy.” He has definitely wandered from his facility!

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So right V! I am embarrassed by the race I shared with those “people”. I cannot grasp how and I do not EVER want to understand because they do not deserve it. They make me sad & sick all at the same time. How shallow and pathetic are they??? It is disgusting.

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My sentiments exactly. I’ve been using the rock analogy since 2015. I don’t think those people had voted before then.

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Unfortunately that's the flip side of the coin

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Which is a good thing now now we see who they are instead of them hiding under rocks or wherever!! Better to have in the open where we can all see and hear them and identify them so that they can be caught, tried, & convicted when they break the law!!

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It’s Adam Corolla, after all.

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Lol so true

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So True V!! Certain dates are held in history.

This whole Faux BS is ridiculous- white supremacy is the Dems “thing”? 🤦‍♀️

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Mar 31, 2023
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Everyone thought Eric was the idiot - I am beginning to think Jr is the dumb ass.... Eric has kept his mouth shut lately - at least he isn’t as loud as Jr at the moment. Def both got their brains from Dad. 🙄 such stupidity in that fam!

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The fruit does not fall far from the tree

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Hey Pamela, seems Eric just joined Jr. In the definitely an idiot club.🤣

Have a safe weekend.🙏🤗❤️

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Hope you have the same V! Maybe a little less stress this weekend 🤔

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Yes I'm ready for my weekend music relaxation zen.🎼🎶🎹😔

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😂 that was what had me turn off the tv! 😂 those 2 are so much like Daddy - although they can read maybe a level higher…. Maybe 4th grade!

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Mar 31, 2023
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I've always thought Trump was learning disabled. Daddy's money hid a great deal.

However, Eric's problems may be completely different. Trump's brother committed suicide bc Trump kept beating him down psychologically and undermined him BIGLY with their father.

So, as genetics are handed down, so are the family behaviors esp. methods of 'communication'.

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Apr 1, 2023
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It certainly never occurred to me, nor to anyone else I know.

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Supreme Cheeto!!!🤣🤣🤣

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You hit my funny bone!!

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Finally we start to really recover our democracy!!!

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Hi Ari on a lighter note, one of my friends mentioned to me that she now watches The Beat and she no longer watches CNN. She likes that you deliver factual information and likes your perspective on politics, law and culture

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You should get a referral %!! A free month at the very least! Once they watch The Beat the will always watch it!

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Hi Ari, Good evening and Happy almost Fri-YAY!!! As Lizzo would sing, it is about damn time. Now I can believe that no one is above the law...Trump’s indictment is the best news ever!

Today was indeed a good day!


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Preach girlfriend!!!! Halleluyer!!!

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Love the Lizzo reference!!

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Hey Sandra!!!! Cheers to that!🍷

Yes the long awaited day we have been praying for 🙏

Happy Fri-Yay to you as well🤗

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Flight risk. Own 757? Putin bro? Flight risk.

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The same thought crossed my mind shortly after I heard the news.

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John, he’s too paranoid to leave the states; besides, no one wants his mess!

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He loves being the center of attention. He would never leave, his ego won't let him.🤣

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Actually I think because he's in the spotlight so much here in the US he really does not want to leave that--anywhere else he would just be sidelined

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idk... any authoritarians want to upgrade their jet to a gold plated 757? For the price of a modest jail cell? They live in a transactional world. Trump flies off to asylum (fitting), stands in line while his jet is de-trumped and they find fentanyl stuffed away in the pocket of one of the seats - BUSTED. Trump goes to jail. President New Jet travels in style. Makes sense to me! :)

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I'm sure Russia wants it!!! Putin wants him-- they're buddies made from the same cloth

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What can he do for Putin? He has no power. You know Trump is about Trump--he’s going to be busy trying to save his azz😂😂😂

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And his money will all be frozen.

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Not likely that putin wants him IMO ! So unless he knows of a little island where he can live out his days in luxury with no threat of getting sent back to the US, he is hosed. I bet there is nowhere for him to go ! The Saudis might allow him in, but he knows they are dangerous !

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I think Trump would just tell his pilot to head to Moscow.

Think Putin would let him land?

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Nope. He has absolutely nothing to offer ANY country. He will lose all confidence with his regular go to people. He'll be paraded around like a prize and then he will accidentally fall out of a fifth story window. ;)

I also desperately hope that the US and our allies will have all of his banking assets ready to be frozen at the drop of the hat.

The US did that in Manafort's civil case and in his criminal case the Feds allowed him to keep his main residence, BUT, they took five NY properties.

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Putin likes to grandstand just as much as Trump does yeah he would let him land but Putin would push him to the back seat--and of course Trump would have to tow the line or suffer the consequences at Putin hands

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He would not get the attention and luxury as he thinks he's is so well deserved--Plus he wouldn't be the boss that he thinks he is in Saudi Arabia that would be his death sentence if he tried

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Please. That old thing?

His 757 was built in 1991. He bought it in 2011 after it used by two commercial airlines and then bought it from Paul Allen who co-founded Microsoft with Bill Gates.

He used it solely to make power statements. I've read where he said he put a ton of money in that plane. Yeah, by using 24-carat gold to plate everything in that death trap.

In 2019, he had to store it. One of the engines was removed " ... and a one cycle (1 takeoff/landing) replacement/loaner engine has not been found since it has been placed in storage".

Lss, in late 2021, he had to land in Nashville due to an emergency. I don't know if I'm just tired or what, but it looks as tho' he had the flight records fudged.

If you feel like googling, go to Wikipedia and search for Trump Force One.

lol Can you imagine him wandering around some used aircraft lot and being helped

by a sleazy Will Farrell?

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Love it!... But, yes. I can see Trump on a tarmac trying to negotiate his ass out of a sling, telling President New Jet was an awesome ride this is. Best jet to ever fly the Trumpiest Skies ever!

...which gets him years more in jail for selling President New Jet a piece of junk.

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Apr 6, 2023
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Janet, you little spy!

Would they KEEP something like that on record or would it be just a wink and a nod.

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Apr 6, 2023
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omg LOL!

He probably makes women stand up and salute it while calling out this name.

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Good. Bon voyage, I say.

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Well if he did take off that would be a good thing for the United States!! But I don't think any country is going to welcome him with open arms--he might buy his way in but how long is that money going to last?? Because he certainly won't have prestige there

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I can think of lots of ways he could jostle his way in, but I don’t want to give him any ideas. He’d be right at home in Russia, although he might want to take Deven Nunes and Stephen Miller with him to taste his food.

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I'm wondering about that also!! When I saw a picture of his big old jet on the news I thought"uh-oh"

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Look, Nancy, that old, delapidated plane would probably fall from the sky, just being able to even inhale all that fresh, ocean water 💦 😂

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Here's a great analogy for all!! trump is the head of the snake--the Republicans are the body---the rattle is all the lies, misinformation, actions, cheating, Stealers of democracy and justice and the rule of law!!ETC!!! Also in that category are those who remain silent and do nothing!! And how do we get rid of the snake???##? Ideally we prosecute him and put him in jail--prosecute him we might be able to do but I doubt very much he will ever be jailed because the secret service cannot protect him in jail!! His voting privileges, the ability to hold office of any kind in the United States, (and all media outlets should shun him a thousand percent) (forever) should be taken from him forever!!! Since he can't go to jail that would be just punishment for all his misdeeds!! I don't think that would be too much to ask or pray for !!

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Nancy, I like your snake analogy, but differ with the Secret Service/jail issue. I’m hearing the rumblings of that theory. That is what they want in the ether. For me, if an agent can put his/her LIFE on the line for a president (active or former), they can certainly go to jail with him. Their job is to provide security; they can do that whether it’s the WH, Camp David, Mara-a-Lago, or the DMZ area of North Korea (remember)! Trump, if found guilty, azz belongs in PRISON! 😂

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PS. And besides that what makes trump so special that he doesn't have to go to jail!! Hope and pray for his incarceration 100%

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I can’t wait!😂😂😂🙏🏽

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I agree with you!! Everything I know about the law I learn ed thu watcing Ari Melber, and the many lawyers and judges etc on his program!! If you say that the SS isn't a deterrent for Trump to go to jail I believe you!! Hooray and hallelujah he has it coming to him!!

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…Except, Nancy, I’m not an authoritative figure, and certainly not a lawyer. Just an opinion-for us all-because we’ve never been here before. But if we are to deter the future, criminal president, we need to formulate sound laws and guidelines. While they’re at it, find s spot for Clarence and Ginny!

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Well, once he’s convicted his face and tiny hands will match his orange jumpsuit. 🍊

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How sad if they clash!!

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I'm not sad about this... That said, I am infuriated by the GOP candidates and wanna be candidates who are maligning this indictment, and the NY DA. If these fascists wanted to do something for the US citizenry, they might propose some solutions for the border; for our energy independence going forward, for the deficits and debt, for the looming societal acrimony caused directly by their empowerment and legislation to simultaneously enrich the most wealthy while concurrently dissipating assets of those less advantaged. They want to control a woman's choices but reject adequate assistance to women to house, feed, and maintain the health of that child, let alone the mother. What about the fact that they've enabled and in fact encouraged job flight from the US and more recently, amended tax laws to tax income produced overseas at rates less than those for domestic income? Main street America has been abandoned by these MAGAs in favor of the multinationals who send our best technology abroad to the detriment of our competitive stance.. Roughly 20 of the largest corporations pay no income taxes. Yeah, these Pubs are real patriots.........mostly resembling the most notorious civil and criminal scoundrel in US history.........Donald Trump. While I can understand the fundamental precepts behind the GOP of 50 plus years ago, the current followers and drivers of the ultra right are being taken advantage of not unlike the Pied Piper of Hamlin trumpeting the rats into the river. They are the most naive suckers we have ever witnessed at any point in US history.

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Very well said Mel!!!

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Thank you for your kindness

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Well said!! You put into words exactly what I've been thinking and I sometimes find very hard to put into words--so thank you

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Since the MAGA craze and the systematic destruction of American institutions, I have been eagerly waiting for a sign that the Justice System of the USA was the last institution Trump could not corrupt and destroy!!!!

I got my sign tonight !!!!

Hoping there will be more signs soon !!!!

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I second the motion!! We've been living in a scary time

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Finally!!! Let’s all raise a glass to the courage of Mr.Bragg! 2more indictments to go!!

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Slow, steady and persistent....Mr. Bragg. Also Karen Ari said “ Trump has been indicted “ regardless of what comes next Donald Trump has been indicted. No one is above the law. He is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

🙏 for your post!

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Mar 31, 2023
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Hooray and Hallelujah, you had it coming to you

Goody goody for you

Goody goody for me

I hope you're satisfied you rascal you!!

Praise the lord and pass the handcuffs.

We waited and we waited, not always patiently but it has finally happened and hopefully they will come now in multiples. What the tangerine tweeter has done to this country is such a shame. I only hope that the judge, in any of these issues, will insist on a gag order so we don't have to be continually assaulted.

Break out the champs!

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Thank you Ari! You have sustained me until and through this day. I exhale!

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Hello Ari,

Oh, what a night!! As you so eloquently stated, "This is a whole different challenge, and if he doesn’t know that yet, he is about to find out." In other words, tRump done f***ed around, and now he's about to find out!!

Next Tuesday's arraignment, should it actually take place as reported, is gonna be -- to paraphrase the history-making, now-indicted former president -- "wild." 😲😼

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Taken right from the horse's mouth....it's going to be wild!!!

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Ha, that's exactly how I paraphraseed it too. 😊

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Hi C.G. A long awaited day for all of us.

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Absolutely! I am hoping that it doesn't stop here and that he's indicted for the other crimes as well. I hope you're having a great weekend, V!

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😂😂😂😂😂 Hi SR, he has Effed-up!

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Hey Sandra!!!! We kept hope alive and it finally happened 🙏. I know it's a long process but it's a start.

Dumps words are coming back to haunt him Love it !!!❤️

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Hi guys, my prayer is that he stays alive! I try not to listen to some of these pundits, lowballing this case, which is the catalyst to all others. NO JAIL?! Michael was simply a conduit and he went! Whatever additional crimes Michael committed, Trump did more! Therefore, he should see the inside of somebody’s jail—if not prison.

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Hi Diva!!! I don't know about you, but I couldn't sleep last night. My mind was running 100 miles an hour. These ridiculous spin on the indicment is infuriating. I saw Lyndsey was almost in tears. The Fox traitor gang were their usual scream fest of misinformation..😣I'm sure Dump is fuming and ordering everyone to FIX IT!!!! They will be using the, he is a former President, he can't go to jail. The logistics for the secret service will be a nightmare. Figure it out Einstein!!!!😊🙏💗

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Sooo I’m not the only one who couldn’t sleep!

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I slept like a baby knowing that finally something is going to be done--it's a first step and and it certainly won't be the last step to be taken-thank God for that

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😂😂😂I’m always laughing at your comments. You’re so funny! I replied previously, but it disappeared. Perhaps I stated something out of bounds. I, too, had difficulty falling to sleep. Finally occurred after 11:30. I watched last night, awaiting more information, but along with that, you get these DC, regurgitative folks. I’ll move away from it later today, unless breaking news shows on my phone. Have a great weekend!

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I haven't tuned into MSNBC today. I'm just trying to take it all in and just reading comments. Humor has gotten us through all this Dump Dumpster fires.😁

Have a safe weekend, we will keep up with the updates!!!😊🙏💗

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❤️Basically, I’m doing the same.

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Me 3 - say the children & and that was way too much for me - Ivanka will be disinherited!! 😂

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With the billions Jared got from the Saudis, Ivanka won't need daddy's money. 😂

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Very true! Vanka doesn’t have to hawk her ugly clothes!! 😂 she really has zero fashion sense ..

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I know. He has never learned the lesson of how powerful it can be to shut the fuck up

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😂😂😂😂😂. He probably will now. I heard Weisselberg dropped his Trump lawyers, in lieu of his own. Channel surfing, I learned there was a 30 minute Q & A with an unknown person , before the jury. Wonder if it was Weisselberg, doing what Cassidy Hutchinson did-extending the story? We’ll see! I sure hope so. Ari will tell us. Take care Truda!

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You too. Have a good weekend

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Yeah weiselberg!! I am waiting optimistically hoping he will spill the beans--we shall see

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Hi Truda!!!😊 He just can't help himself 😕 But everything out of his mouth is just another statement for the cases against him.😁

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I know. He has no personal containment. Have a good weekend V

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You too Truda!!! Have a blessed weekend!!!😊🙏💗

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Amen Truda

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I hope he will actually go to.jail. unfortunately the man has been like a cat, always landing on his feet..

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Yeah, but cats 🐈 are lovable, Trump is not. 👎

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Mar 31, 2023
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And eagles have been known to swoop down and capture a cat for dinner!!--And as said before--ding dong The witch will be dead!!

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With each unthinkable, immoral, possibly criminal act unaccounted for over these years, my confidence in our systems of justice and governance crumbled just a little more. Until today. My faith is restored. Let’s see what happens. On a lighter note, it was so hard to focus on brilliant Maya Wiley’s words on your show tonight because I was waiting for her cat to knock that piece of pottery off the top shelf behind her.

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Maya's cat has made many cameos during her zoom calls,. So cute🐈

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That’s the first time I’ve seen him/her adorable!

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LmAo!!! I was rooting for the cat to knock that vase on the floor! Had its head inside it and was scratching around it!! I’m glad someone else saw that too ....

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Hey guys, just saw from CalenderGrl, it’s Ari’s birthday! Wiki supports.

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I was afraid it was going to get stuck

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Me too Nancy! 😂 when the little guy started to stick his head in I was worried - oh no too far! Then I noticed it was too wide open - but I was hoping he/she would just push it off the shelf 😂

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Mar 31, 2023
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So damned cute!! I was hoping she would bring the little guy on TV!! Def the star on the chat!

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LOL!!! Me too!!! And every once in awhile I would hear a dog howl when someone was talking--I guess that they are called nuances???😏

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Ari, your reporting on this has been brilliant. Thank you for presenting this story from your very knowledgeable perspective. I look forward to your reporting to learn the rest of the story.

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