You report the way reporting was intended.....factual, without hype or bias, journalism at its best!

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Thank you Judy! One thing (decent) lawyering and journalism have in common is focusing on evidence (rather than opinion or conjecture). So, we will keep aiming for that.

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Ari..watching you earlier & was thinking!

In all that Ari Melber has to get through in a (NORMAL) day, he's so unbelievably thoughtful

that, he stops to apologize for a small.. (very) small point he made the (day b4)..about a

retraction he wanted to make, (re: detention/prison and the demise of a young man

who was detained there)...etc etc..!

This man has CLASS........that's about all I wanted to say right now :)

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Hi Judy!!! I remember the days watching the news on our grainy black and white television. My parents listened to Walter Cronkite, and his newscast always ended with, "That's the way it is", and we believed him. So sad the lies so many news organizations put out there today. That's why we watch Ari, for the truth.😊

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VG...from your words to memories......ALL true!

Can you imagine having Mr. Melber as your attorney in a (serious) case, that ended-up with

you in prison? Phew! How confident you'd be knowing, THIS is a man of INTEGRITY & it showed! Wait! I don't (ACTUALLY) plan on being in Jail....JUST SO YOU KNOW lol

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The memories of our past are so engrained in our hearts. Our lives were so simple back then, wonder what our parents would think about America today. Makes me sad😑

We do have an extraordinary attorney in Ari, to help us through all legal process of what is happening.

Have a good weekend Bernie!!! Don't get in trouble, hehehe!!!😀

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OOOOPS! Just wish I could (at least) make my comment LOOK GOOD :) "Bernie"

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I think the January 6th Commission has been coherent,detailed and factual providing primary source materials or testimony. The operative part being factual. Sadly I am not sure that facts matter anymore for many citizens. I am not sure how that will mold our country or how it portends for future America. I really believe your coverage of these hearings has been next level excellent

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Yes. Facts are safe and predictable.

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Painstakingly methodical and comprehensive. Textbook. Stunning what they've uncovered - even for the media - who don't often seem incredulous.

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Hello Truda,

Facts may not matter- sad, isn't it? Not believing facts got us to the J-6 insurrection, 1 million + COVID deaths (many of which could have been prevented by following the facts as known), and so on. Still boggles the mind how an *entertainment* org could be allowed to spew falsehoods all day long. #VoteBlueNoMatterWho

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As sinister as it sounds Trump has been masterful at planting seeds of doubt in everything; facts are irrelevant and almost non existent and are manipulated for political gains. I can’t figure out how to return to reality or facts. Weird Earth if Flat syndrome. I agree. I cannot make sense out of the willingness to believe utter falsehood s

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Hello Sandra, Facts = depending on what the situation was/is..surely! An INSURRECTION is one thing! A disease, ("plague") is quite another, since know one would believe to-know-everything about COVID; AND LOOKS LIKE THEY STILL DON'T...so it continues, DESPITE!!!!!

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Hi Ari!!!✋ What an amazing job you and your team have done in covering these hearings. I've watched it all, plus the recaps. Your take down of Cipollone was epic!!!👍 Loved it!!!💗

My fear is, if the Republicans win the House and Senate in November, they will do everything they can to stop the continuation of the investigation by the DOJ. Hope i am wrong. Let's keep hope alive and vote BLUE!!!!🇺🇸

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It is important that the DOJ act soon and before November midterms and yes, voting is definitely essential

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Hi Sandra.. I deleted my message you liked by accident.. so sorry.. it was not meaning anything bad.. forgive me

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Hi Michele, Oh no worries😃👍🏽

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I agree with you about voting. At least I like that the hearings make it seem as though our government is doing something.

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Hi Truda!!! Yes it has been so good to actually hear the information from the J6 Committee without the GOP screaming over everyone, and trying to gaslight the audience. Have a good week!!!😊

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You too. Looking forward to Thursday hearing

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The DOJ needs to act before midterms while they control all three branches.

There's already chatter the GOP is going on a 'revenge binge' if they win back either house. Impeachment hearings, etc.

While it may be extraordinary to indict a former president, what he did was extraordinary!

It's evident, if left without meaningful consequences, a much more dangerous signal is conveyed beyond the attempted coup - the tone is set for normalizing as acceptable, unchecked lawlessness, from the White House to local council districts.

How did we get here?

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How did we get here-you ask a great question, but what is the answer? We are going backwards not forward. I was born in 1947 & have lived through a lot in my life-walked in a lot of marches & we are now going backwards. There is so much hate and why? I feel for the children growing up in a country that is so divided and so much hate.

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Great question. It’s a slow insidious erosion

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Lynda, so sorry you feel that way......there's a big difference between 1947 and 2022 that being said, I DO hope you can find some semblance of positive years between those many decades, where you've experienced a lot of LIVING......let's hope the next years bring a much better view of your (personal) life, than it was those (frankly) rough times. All the very best I wish for you :)

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Hi Karyn!!! Yes Peter Navarro laid it out on The Beat when he told Ari if they take control they will do everything to make the Democrats pay. It's a very scary scenario, but the Group Of Punks will definitely do it. They have no moral compass and will take down our democracy to stay in power. Unfortunately the former guy gave them the license to be who they have always been. We are on the edge of not being able to come back from this horrible possibility. But, i'm not giving up hope!!!🙏

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I love that you never give up hope. Well said

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Thanks Truda!!!🙏

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I don’t love the sound of revenge binge😱

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It terrifies me. At least it's making news so there's awareness.

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that's a definite- you can count on that

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We got here because we the people were/are busy, gullible, trusting, fearful, disinterested, unaware, overwhelmed, happy with their status quo....

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Hello, Diane! I GOT here because I wanted to live in a country where life was far better than ( where I was born) i.e. United Kingdom.......in the aftermath MANY, MANY years..........Think of what it was like 10-20-30-40-50 yrs, after, (WORLD WAR II) ! Glad I came and I take ALL the GOOD and the BAD, with much appreciation for the USA :)

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I like how you think.

It is said we get the government we deserve. Everything you mentioned.....

Thank you!

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the DOJ is independent, or supposed to be, and I believe they decide who and what to investigate no matter who is in office. But either way, Biden will still be president after November and it's looking hopeful to keep and even add to the Senate. The House is a toss up but hope springs eternal! :)

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From our keyboards to God's ears!!!🙏 We won't give up hope!!!😊

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Keeping hope alive! 🙏🏽👋🏾

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Like you said Sandra, #VOTEBLUENOMATTERWHO!!!

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Hello V!

Yes, vote blue we must, even when we might have legitimate questions/concerns

about what's (not) being done by our elected officials. There is *no* alternative for women, poc, LGBTQ individuals, etc etc

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Jul 18, 2022·edited Jul 18, 2022Liked by Ari Melber

You have become a beacon of of light shining through Trump's miasma of deception.

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Jul 18, 2022Liked by Ari Melber

Ari and the rest of the reporters we enjoy your coverage of the Jan. 6 committee. Your detailed facts of those who are testifying is sure an eye opener. I knew that trump & his staff were corrupt. The rats are jumping ship and I hope they all face consequences and do time. Our Country can’t heal until Justice is properly served and Trump & cult go do prison.

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I wonder what exactly will change. Seems to me that The Secret Service need to be investigated. I do believe that the 1/6 committee has proven intent several times over, now we need to keep pressure on the DOJ to retain all of the records from this committee and bring charges where warranted. The coverage by MSNBC has been great, the country has learned so much from your coverage.

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Excellent analysis that at least gives me some hope. I need something to hang onto as I watch the destruction of democracy before my own eyes. Sincerely, Sherry Mangan

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I agree with you. I feel like we are in a whirl wind that is going to destroy our country. I am grateful for all of the progressives who work so hard to make things better. CAH

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Watching the Destruction is extremely difficult. I hope I am wrong.

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Hi Ari😃 I hope that you are having a good and restful weekend. I cannot believe that it will be Monday before we know it😂🤣

Thanks for your excellent insights on the January 6th Committee hearings…same goes with your fellow MSNBC anchors.

Indeed, there is enough evidence to prosecute Trump and all the top government officials involved to the fullest extent of the law. The laws are not created for some people - it is created for all of us Americans to obey. Let’s see if the DOJ will (do something) follow through with their investigation on Trump.

No U.S. President has never been charged is not an excuse to exempt Trump from all his crimes.

Have a nice week, Ari😃 Cheers🍾🥂

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Hi Sandra!!! Have a good week!!!😁

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Hey V Garcia, thanks😃 You too😃

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Hi Ari, thanks for your concise, measured explanation of this trumpian misadventure. Glad we have journalists like you and the msnbc team to keep apace with, dispel the lies, and sort through all the scary stuff.

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shoutout to the team! Thank you Mary

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Appreciate your good thoughts regarding bipartisan committee hearings and sharing the evidence of the insurrection and Trump with the public. Next step, DOJ, and justice. Good going Ari and great journalism. ❤️

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💯% to you & the crew🙌🙌 . This is the kind of journalism we have come to expect, from you and the crew. ☮️

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Jul 18, 2022Liked by Ari Melber

Thank you for another wonderful and enlightening commentary of the events of the day. Trying to keep up with all of the Trump past and current behavior issues is very trying. It seems like a lifetime has been filled with nothing but Trump and how he has managed to inject so much "Poison" into our everyday lives. He gets an A Plus for being the best trouble maker nation wide in my 78 years of living. I am hoping that there will be a wrap-up on the "Life in Time of Donald Trump" before my life comes to an end (and I am not planning for that to be anytime soon)!!!

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Jul 18, 2022Liked by Ari Melber

Thanks for this timely email.

It’s both informative and encouraging.

Have A Great Week On Purpose! 🌞

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I also have watched the hearing’s of January 6 and can’t wait to see the next one and to hear what you guys think about it because I like the way you guys report it great job 👏🏾 Teresa Thomas.

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I have this hope that Garland and the DOJ are much further along than they are letting on. They see the evidence and know they cannot ignore it. They’re just not showing their cards. Judicial "rope a dope".

If the Repubs regain the House in November (God forbid), they will kill the committee, but it won't matter because DOJ will drive the investigation from there.

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"Rope A Dope"😁

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I like your positivity and the January 6 hearings have been excellent, but as to outcomes that affect Trump and the Republicans, I will have to wait and see.

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Hi Ari, I don’t find these hearings boring at all! I am still waiting for the DOJ to look at ACCOUNTABILITY, I think this committee is an awesome committee and we will get to the bottom of this whole rotten coup! My worry is about Trump announcing his bid to run again

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