Ted Cruz has been a scumbag for a long time. Now he is facing legal exposure. Finally. And will be facing a dynamic opponent for his Senate seat, Colin Allred who has already raised millions of dollars for his campaign. As per MSNBC comments on the air, nobody likes Ted Cruz so vote his ass out!

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I always wondered how many times he got away with his disgusting deeds. And I hope the truth will prevail in the end.

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Easier said than done.

Relatives in TX (all transplants from decades ago, when TX was merely one of the largest states in which to do business & not a Styxian nightmare) can attest to the abysmal state that gerrymandering done quietly over decades has produced.

One sister related going to 3 locations to vote, with the 1st polling location having actually been the valid place, but where dissembling Republicans had posted a notice with the number for Republican voting only (imagine) & had not posted the Democratic number*, sending her and her husband on a wild-goose chase. Lucky they had job flexibility to do that. That’s when they decided to defy rules & bring cameraphones to voting lines, to document atrocities. [*My blue state doesn’t number polling places differently for the various parties; does yours?]

Another sister told her kids to make a life in another state that’s blue. And they got their undergrad & grad degrees in blue states, & are now making their livings in blue states.

My Texas relatives all shuddered through the Texas Grid’s winter breakdown several years ago, where the resulting freeze had Cruz hightailing it to Cancun. And then blaming his daughters. You’d probably not be surprised to learn that the grid’s still not fixed. Political grifting has gotten in the way of political action. And my family has already experienced brownouts this spring, with the hottest weather still ahead.

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I am currently residing in a solid red state. I watched the grid failure with horror during that freezing February and saw the entire Ted Cruz debacle from the first moment.

Perhaps there is hope with the Supreme Court (of largely MAGA Republicans) decision yesterday in the Alabama redistricting case, now there is federal precedent for other states to find their moral compasses!

Don't forget that the grid failed (not) because of the green power structure. Gotta love Greg Abbott, that horses ass.

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May 5, 2023Liked by Ari Melber

"...what does it say...if we vote not even to consider the claims of illegality and fraud in this election? (cruz)” 🙄 Not a lawyer, but almost sure that Senators weren't supposed to be voting on false claims of election fraud, but rather on certifying Joe Biden's election. 🤷🏾

May the truth endure, fight, and win in the courts, which can then force the hands of establishments like Faux "news" to finally take corrective action. And may Tucker ever enjoy his "just desserts." 🍷

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Yes! I’d love to see the courts do something with the ever growing mountain of evidence against those in the Halls of Congress involved in perpetuating the lies. We cannot count on their constituents voting them out.

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May 6, 2023·edited May 6, 2023

Perpetuating the lie is not the crux, it’s acting as if it were true, by conspiring to overturn the election. Those who acted to do that — from a position of power (like Cruz, Meadows) or affiliation with Trump ( Giuliani ( and his other lawyers), Roger Stone, Mike Flynn, Ali Alexander, etc need to face the music. There are members of congress who should be forced out (Cruz, Graham, Hawley, Johnson, Jordan, Perry) and many more who should be censured .

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Hello Joanie,

I believe the congressional liars are also counting on your last sentence...smh

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Unfortunately that is very true!

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No we can not count on their constituents so we must support the true fighters with our words, money, and positive thoughts to help crush those that hate our Democracy!

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...and Cruz join him! Wishing Rep. Colin Allred much success.

Be well, S.R.❤️

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yes, may they ever dine together!

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You are right. The truth should fight to the bitter end so that people like Tucker and Cruz get what they deserve.

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Hey namesake, everything you said👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

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lol, thanks!

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Bingo Ms R!! 😏😎

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Thank you, kindly!

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Oh Sandra O!!! So true and that is why this is an amazing day!

Happy Indictment Day!!

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Thank you!

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May 5, 2023Liked by Ari Melber

Ari - Thank you for all you do. We watch you on MSNBC regularly. We are both retired college profs and life-long liberals.

Thanks again,

Gail H Fleming, EdD

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Thanks Prof! : )

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Great piece, as usual, Ari. I think all of us are asking “how we got here” so not sure why David Byrne was brought into the piece. Was so hoping you could somehow get Cruz on “The Beat”. That surely would be an epic show. Congrats on the April ratings. Once again us Beatniks have shown you that we have your back. Keep up the great workAri. Your not only a great Anchor but a great journalist too. 🔥🔥🤷🏼‍♀️

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I agree with you, this show with Cruz would be sensational.

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Thanks for the info 👍🤷🏼‍♀️

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May 5, 2023Liked by Ari Melber

Ari, I like the fact that you compile your facts and present them without fluff! Everything you reported, was supported by video and recordings. Although the public was not aware of Cruz’s conversation with Bartiromo, many of us recall his shenanigans at the J6 certification, that were certainly antithetical to THAT conversation. This is just ONE instance of Dominion’s impact, and I believe there are many to come. The impact will be wide, because Trump cast a wide net to draw congressional lawmakers, states of legislators, officers, and regular citizens into his scheme. Thus far, the courts have been instrumental in upholding the rule of law, involving the criminal acts on that terrible day. I would like them to move a little faster, in recognizing and tossing out frivolous lawsuits for delay tactics only.

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The truth ALWAYS wins, Ari, it’s a matter of how and when. The Dominion lawsuit has opened Pandora’s box and there’s more to come. Your reporting exposes facts and truth and the only clowns in the scenario are those who think they’ve had the last laugh. Keep doing what you do best. Exposing the truth. Have a glorious weekend.

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May 5, 2023Liked by Ari Melber

Ari you do tell it like it is.

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Ari when you asked for the first they did have it. I hope they did have chicken 😊.

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Good evening Ari and Happy Fri-YAY😃

Happy Cinco de Mayo

Cruz attacking MSNBC because you spoke the truth that are supported with facts.

It is a damn shame that an elected government official (and a trained attorney), a person who should know better, was planning coup d’état.

Ari, I am so glad that you didn’t dignify him calling you a clown with any answer. There’s a saying that goes, “ silence is the best answer to a fool”. In this case, lying/ Cancun Ted, who is clearly the biggest clown. Ted Cruz is a traitor.

Yes, Dominion case against Fox has a wider impact. Everyone at Fox are best friends with all the top Republican government officials who are also right wingers and traitors. A lot of events took place in planning the coup and Fox was the means of spreading the big lie faster and continuously. If the courts dig deeper into the investigation and follow that trail, I am pretty sure they will find more and more information.

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When Ted Cruz calls someone a clown, consider it a badge of honor!

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Hi Joanie, excellent quote from the great and brillant Dr. Anthony Fauci 👍🏽

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Ms O, you are so right! Don’t become part of the clown show, another reason I was glad he didn’t accept Ari’s invitation to present his side. They don’t ever come with learned facts, only BS and propaganda--a waste of everyone’s time!

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Absolutely Sandra!! Traitors should be put away for life at the Very Least!

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Hi, Ms Pamela! I'm not sure the Federal Facility is large enough to hold all the rascals! Perhaps we could retrofit tChump's old DC hotel to house the overflow!

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My vote is for Guantanamo Bay! Remember when President Obama tried to close it, but Republicans threw fits, because they said the inhabitants were detrimental to the country…WELL!

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I couldn't answer that any better myself--well said

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Hey Nancy! Sorry on my way out but glad to see you!

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D1 I'm shocked ! Shocked, I tell you! There is an undetected streak of coldbloodedness in you that I was unaware you possessed!

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YOU detected it!😂

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Well, there is that!

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Ms Nancy, I, too, am pleased that you could make it!

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I don't always get to read things right away cuz I'm in the middle of doing this is out or my chores or whatever but I get around to it within a day or two so good to talk to you--take care

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You, and your observations are always welcome!

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May 5, 2023·edited May 5, 2023Liked by Ari Melber

There are many bad actors in this whole mess but only one big question at the center of it. What will Garland do? The more time that goes by, the more pessimistic I become. Had he started this entire investigation when he should have 2 years ago, we wouldn’t have this thing hanging over us as we enter election season. Will Garland wind up being Trump’s (and his gaggle of crooks) favorite AG. I hope not but color me skeptical.

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Agree, it was a slow start, but we’re moving now. Perhaps this is where we’re supposed to be. I like it here, because it’s closer to the Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, Smartmatic and Dominion sentences and results. All coming together for a Trump conviction.

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May 5, 2023Liked by Ari Melber

Happy Friday Ari,

I really think we’re scratching the surface with the truth that has been coming out. Im not sure we’ll ever be able to put together the full story. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try. Gosh as slow as this seems to go. Ugh! I’ll be grey haired and walking with a cane. He-he 🤪

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Well, I just saw where Fani Willis offered immunity to eight faux electors. WHY?! They’re singing like birds. As these sentences go up, we’ll soon have a chorus. None of these guys saw a jail cell in their future. Probably for the first time in their lives, they’re facing reality!

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It seems one atty was afraid they would tell on each other??? Where did he go to law school?

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😂 just posted a copy of the email I just got about that!

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Do we remember when Cancun Ted posed with confederate flag or tried to sneak to Cancun during a major blackout in Texas Hasn't been contested in an election 🤔 This yes that will happen As the tapes reveals Cancun Ted's ntentions to partake and support Trump in his efforts to stop the certification of Biden as President We see a man who tries to portray a certain image that's not his to portray because his actions speaks of a man who values concealment and deceptive manipulating efforts OH Cancun Ted thanks for the age of tapes You've been a magician all these years allowing a hint of the real you and the world you invision for those who elect you May justice prevail and all your magical tricks be disclosed Hopefully once revealed and disclosed your act will close to no audience and you will retire

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"And you may ask yourself, "Well, how did I(we) get here?...

I have been asking myself that since 2016 Ari.

And YES I think Dominion case makes a difference. I think everything people are doing to hold people accountable makes a difference. Hopefully it will be enough of a difference to put us back on track.

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shoutout Talking Heads! my Dad used to play that album in the car on road trips

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This ain't no party, This ain't no disco, This ain't no foolin' around, No time for dancin', or lovey-dovey, I ain't got time for that now!

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Oops - I played that album (tape) - darn you made me feel old for that!

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On my playlist! So is Burning down the House and My Sharona by The Knack. Old. Fun, but old. 😊

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😂😂😂You and me both, Diane! HOW?! As the saying goes, “if you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything!”

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I hope the Dominion case will have a larger impact. I am counting on the court system to continue to do the best job possible, and certainly to convict Trump. I feel that there is enough evidence. Ari, thanks so you and your staff for giving us the truth and explaining things so well!

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Thank you Nancy!

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May 5, 2023Liked by Ari Melber

Thanks for your article. Your reasoning shills bring clarity to the very slippery behavior of Sen. Cruz.

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Vote for Colin Allred!!

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And contribute if you can.

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All hat & ..... lol love that ad!!

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I want to add something. Many people have been understandably frustrated that AG Garland & the DOJ has not moved more swiftly to indict Trump (et al) for J6.

But, as he reiterated yesterday (5/4/2023: https://www.justice.gov/opa/speech/attorney-general-merrick-b-garland-delivers-statement-following-jury-verdict-proud-boys), "At my Senate confirmation hearing just over a month after January 6th, I promised that the Justice Department would do everything in its power to hold accountable those responsible for the heinous attack that sought to disrupt a cornerstone of our democracy: the peaceful transfer of power to a newly elected government." Earlier in the same statement, he once again said, "Since the January 6th attack, the Justice Department has conducted one of the largest, most complex, and most resource-intensive investigations in our history."

My point all along has been that we need to take Garland at his word and trust they are true. This is much bigger—MUCH MUCH BIGGER—than just Trump and his immediate circle. It may also include sitting members of Congress! It may include members of right-wing Media. I dare say, it may include at least one member of the SCOTUS (and possibly his wife)! And, if my "spidy senses" are tingling correctly, it may include agents of foreign governments.

A law is only as good as a society's ability to enforce it. When faced with a conspiracy of such vast proportions—one which reaches into the halls of Federal and State political power, with roots and tendrils that may spread into bureaucracies and the national security apparatus itself—speed, however wished for, is counter-productive.

As exhausted with it as we all understandably are—we must take heart in the fact that we are living in and bearing witness to what is one of the most parlously significant periods in our nations history. Take heart in the fact that we have such dedicated and committed public servants as Merrick Garland who grasp the full scope of what is required if they are to secure the survival of our democratic republic.

And, no, we're not out of the woods yet!

When Trump recently said, "They're coming after me to get to you," most understood ir as a warning to his MAGA base. A means for riling them up. It was that but it was more than that: It was a warning to those in positions of power that their fates are tied to his own. Or so he would have them believe!

The truth is, their fate is in their own hands, not Trump's. At some point, they're going to have to decide, are they with the Constitution and the rule of law or are they not. It's as simple as that.

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I hear ya, Wellsey! The larger problem is. is that many of them no longer believe in their oaths OR the Constitution! With friends like these.....

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Exactly. The Constitution no longer works for them—and many barely tolerated it while it did. Unfortunately, what the majority of the Red Hats don't understand is that where Democrats are willing to respect the 2nd Amendment (preferably not assault weapons and the rest sufficiently 'well maintained' with education and background checks) the Fascists most certainly will not. Or only so long as they're useful. Should they become dominant, the gloves will come off because they know 'the base' is their biggest threat.

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Michael, I know it's very unlikely, but I am curious. I was born in Angola IN in the NE corner of the state. My Great Grandfather was married 3 times, as was my Grandfather Horace. Not all of these branches of the Wells family hung around Williams Co., OH and Steuben Co., IN. Some lit out for parts unknown! Even if we aren't directly related, we can always avail ourselves of the Royal 'Cousin'! I bid you a pleasant weekend, Cousin!

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So I reckon y’all ARE related! Funny if y’all really are!!

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It is not beyond the realm of possibility, Ms Pamela! He and I appear to be of like minds, so I welcome him with open arms! Bare is Back without Brothher (Cousin)!

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They bragged about the coming 'Red Tsunami' which was barely a 'Red Ripple'. Actually, they fear the coming 'Perfect Storm' when the poor put upon White Majority becomes a minority majority. Like tChump, they impute the Dems with the same behavior that they have displayed, and they fear the retribution!

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Are y’all related? 😂 the name isn’t as prevalent as either of my last names but 🤔

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Not that we know of!

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Lol well ya certainly both gave the same answer hmm maybe a bit of Ancestry is needed!!

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The gentlemen (and I use the term loosely) doth protest too much, methinks! LOL

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As me do too!

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Not sure, Ms Pamela! If we are, it's certainly nothing to brag about!

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LOL, so true. I do have a cousin, first name David, but so far as I know, (as they'd say back home in the "who-is-u-r" state) "Way-L, you ain't him er ya?."

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Wayelll I reckon I’m from the State of Kin TuckHe! Right down the heyell from ye! I had a tad bit of a aksent but it went somewhar down yonder somewhars! WHO in the Hayell is HEY??

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Having traveled to and lived in many different places, I embrace ALL the differences that make this country such a wonderful place to live (if we can keep it)!

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Yes ma'am, born 'n raised on a farm about 30 miles north of 'Lu-e-ville'. But, being a farm boy from outer space (FBFOS), never did quite fit in. Spent the majority of my adult life here amidst the fruits and nuts in the People's Republic of Berkeley, 'Cal-e-fornia!'

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Having spent time at Fort Sam and also Rock Hill SC, They also say, ' ya' ain't from around here, r ya? Lmao

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Yup. It's the two syllable "well" (way-L) beginning every sentence that I love!

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You have echoed my exact thoughts!! When you go for instant gratification ,that's exactly what you get, ,gratification that lasts only moments not for a length of time--we want to learn from this experience--this case is like peeling an onion layer by layer until we get to the core --we are not at the core yet but we will get there eventually--we must learn from this experience to not do so would be a tragedy in history repeating itself!

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