No politicians are not focused enough on the failing buying power for middle class and lower middle class citizens. The politicians only pander to electoral advantages. History has shown that hungry people will revolt and rightly so. I will hope more than anything that hungry people vote. I think Bob Marley knew we need redemption.

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Mar 26, 2022·edited Mar 26, 2022

The central fact here is the abject failure of the Biden administration.

After passing the "white guy employment" infrastructure bill, de facto president Manchin deep -sixed the BBB measure, betraying the Black voters who put Biden in office.

Donna Brazile, a Democratic Party operative -- posted an article on the Grio -- unbelievable -- counselling Black voters to swallow the price increases. Because, you know, freedom. For Ukrainians.

The suburban swing voters are not going to swallow the increases happily, why should Black people? The the working poor of any ethnic derivation? Anyone?

The Democratic party does not deliver for minorities and the poor. Their interests are secondary to the war-party establishment that goaded Putin into his criminal/stupid invasion of Ukraine.

The inflation and global disruptions ahead are a result of this ongoing policy.

These issues are related, intertwined and cannot be discussed cogently in separated "buckets."

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In comparison to Trump administration why no discussion about those four years? Why no discussion that Trump had a rally in Fort Lauderdale praising Putin people at rally yelling Russia Russia is that disturbing ? Trump considering running! In America books banned Steve Bannon on podcast still able to continue his agenda. Why didn’t he get bail Fox News reinforcing false Putin’s claimsfor invading Ukraine 🇺🇦 murder and destruction Lastly why can’t people unite - we all want education opportunities housing food security etc. Will we the people ever realize that taking from others so we have hurts all. Why don’t the ideas of John Lewis Robert Kennedy Martin Luther king jr resonant?? Only pulls apart instead of unites History repeats no lessons learned human nature disappointing except for those reach out sacrifice but do they prevail are they role models I’ll stop here The answer is blowing in the wind. How many deaths does it take

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Helen, I totally agree with you. Our system is broken, and as much talk about trying to fix it, the effort is not happening. It's getting very scary for the future of our country.

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Mar 27, 2022·edited Mar 27, 2022

Going after Trump and Trump's incoherent, racist kakocracy would, indeed, be politically useful -- it would target an enemy to focus on. But Biden delusionally believes the Tea Party's misbegotten mobs are going to see the light and join us in some national Kumbaya.

More useful would have been going after Manchin and Sinema: almost all politicians have skirted the law or made embarrassing deals to get elected and Manciun and his children are especially corrupt.

LBJ would have squished them like bugs and they would have "evolved" very quickly.

But the failure is institutional, from a Democratic party that sold itself to corporate interests. Staffed by expensive consultants and in love with the military/industrial interventionists -- it's useless as a "people's party.'

It went full frontal with corporate outsourcing of jobs, never forcing these moves to be "paid for" with retraining and replacement jobs. Tom Friedman chortled that "The World is Flat."

Flat was the American working class, unions crushed, discarded like old machinery.

Bill "big government is dead" Clinton was NOT triangulating -- he was enthusiastically competing for political cash. He completed the Reagan revolution, letting banks gamble on Wall Street

When all of that inevitably crashed, Obama saved the banks and Wall Street.

The Obama and Boden Presidential campaigns cost one billion dollars each.

The investors got what they paid for.

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Tax on wealthy introduced by Biden interesting how vote will go and who will support the bill. 🤫

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The republicans are bought bu corporate and pharmaceutical big money Sinema agreed she has huge fund raisers. Why would she be against filibuster? No vote for build back bill. Manchin they’re in such need and he comes up with lame excuses Why are they re-elected? The bill would have passed. How about republicans who make no efforts to pass or provide any bills to help those in need What about Peter Navarro saying 100 senators were committed to halt the transfer of power after election Kinda scarey Adam kinzenger Liz Cheney denounced by their party for having convictions and standards to preserve democracy The entire congress lame when it comes to Ukraine letting Putin lead Ukrainians trying with all their might but no fighter jets no weapons to counter as their homes schools hospitals nuclear plant bombed They must be equipped lWar crimes committed and so ? We watch we hear voices begging for sufficient help the tears and cries human suffering If Putin invades others and destruction in Ukraine isn’t enough WHY DO I BRING UP UKRAINE? I worry about our own democracy 100 senators willing to assist and supporting insurrection Peter Navarro narrative Cancun Cruz leaving when Texans in need yet interviewed Supreme Court candidate Where are our standards? LBJ represented America and Americans because he had values being a leader meant something Truman John Lewis Robert Kennedy as examples of what’s needed today How about passing a Bill disclosure of campaign donations and a cap. Who changed that regulation dialogue important

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Mar 25, 2022Liked by Ari Melber

No, I don’t think they are focusing on what really matters to every day Americans. All they want is our donations which are not tax deductible! I approve of the President. He can’t make legislators do their job. They are too personally compromised, ie: stock market investments, acceptance of money from special interest groups.., etc.

I don’t think American politics will ever change. There is too much for the rich (billionaires like the Koch brothers) to loose…they are controlling the politicians. I’m emotionally tired and drained. When are we going to get a real reset???

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Remember when George Bush "Sr" was testing out grocery store scanners? Kept asking "like this?" A stunning representation of just how out of touch politicians are, marveling at scanning items at a grocery store!

Not surprised.

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I agree! Remember the hearings about Facebook? The panel members did not know enough about social media to ask the right questions!

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I agree with you. I occasionally receive emails requesting I donate to different political candidates. Needless to say I delete these requests.

I’m retired - although my husband continues to work. What will happen when my husband retires and we’re both on Social Security? We have savings…how long will it last.

Our golden years may not be to shiny for us

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And that is a very sad possibility. I am an educator. We can’t drew social security at those who vested in STRS/California.

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We live in So California. I’ve heard people leaving the state because of rising costs. I couldn’t imagine picking up and leaving family and friends.

We’re not traveling much other than a few long weekends and rarely eat out

I sure wish our politicians would start looking out for their constituents instead of worrying about their own futures.

Wishing you well

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Amen! Yes…I live in California…it is getting too expensive. I’m from Louisiana but with Hurricanes I don’t want to go back home either! Best to you too!

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Paula! I'd greet you both with open arms..I came here (alone) from the U.K. :)

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Paula...they ARE what you make them! I wish you all that you both deserve :)

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Biden is as compromised as they are. His election cost one billion dollars. Anyone think that has no "strings?"

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Baba...I see you're STILL at it........Good for you ha! ha!.....I've been ILL ........."Bernie"

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I don’t know about that. But time will surely tell us all.

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Now you know. BTW Open secrets id=s a useful site explore and discover how the money flows to the politicians, and from whom.

Time has already"told."

Biden's expansive promises have been vaporized.

Big business opposed them, and I doubt that's a coincidence.

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Baba Where do you get info. that you comment about? Is it reliable? :)

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Open Secrets is one reliable source, all of their information comes from public data.

Nancy Pelosi is worth $114,662,521 for example.

The infotainment media NEVER detail this kind if material. I watched Chick Todd "reveal" at one point that Beto was getting a LOT of money. FROM WHOM?

Next question, please.

I look into a wide variety of sources, including foreign press, left and right wing press and online sources, The Intercept, historical information, You Tube etc.

It's necessary to factor in what the agendas of these sources might be, and make judgements.

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Mar 25, 2022·edited Mar 26, 2022

As I look back at this week, it so obviously clear a majority of politicians only care about themselves. So sad to see that some of these lawmakers have become wealthy while in Congress. Of course they will never pass legislation to stop this money grab. So, to answer your question, no, politicians are not focused enough on the daily challenges so many Americans are facing today!!!

Seeing Cancun Cruz checking his social media, while doing his job, was unbelievable!!! But not surprising.

Your shows yesterday and today were wonderful. You always keep us so well informed, and make us laugh. Your Melber quote on Cruz "We out here in the streets, doing it for the tweets", was so funny, I was sharing it all day!!!😂 Thanks Ari, enjoy your weekend!!!🙏

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I detest Cruz and it makes me mad for him to tell people he is a Texan. He is a newcomer. I call people like him a Texan want to be, among other things.

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He is disgusting and he's proud of it.

Cruz, Graham, Hawley love this stuff - excoriating Judge Brown, restricting voting rights, and minimizing most especially January 6.

It's like a badge of honor. The more they are discredited and maligned, the more they feed off it and relish their gross and unabashedly dangerous games.

How do you shame the shameless? Instill fear in the fearless?

Love all this learning🙂🙃

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CAH and Karyn count me among the people that are so angry with these Senators. They sold their souls to the orange devil. They only care about getting a clip of their mean spirited theatrical performance online and see how many likes they get. Of course Faux news gets all of them to come on their shows, and continue the hatefulness they love to spew. We need more kind and empathetic lawmakers.😑

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CAH...and YOU should know, living there......Maybe he should be CRUZING down the river...preferably the DEEPEST ONE!!!!!!

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That was a good quote or bars as Ari would say. Lol Who can't see Ted searching himself. He is an unserious person.

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Hi C.G. When you leave your state during a weather emergency, then blame your young daughters for your decision, and leaves his dog in the freezing house. This tells you who this person really cares about.

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Hey, Happy Sunday!! Yes, no doubt he's the absolute worst. I'm certain no one in Congress likes that man.

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Mar 28, 2022·edited Mar 28, 2022

I'm pretty sure several million Americans don't like him either!!!😁

Have a good and blessed week!!!🙏

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I had faith the U.S. Supreme Court functioned above reproach and with deference to the constitution, at least 97% of the time. Even with normal political backstabbing and pretence of being advocates for constituents, I had implicit trust in the court to do the right thing because that's who they are. If not the highest court in America, who else? There is no one else.

Then they interceded in the 2000 pres election and helped choose the next president. What?

And after an exhausting and historic week, the Court is further compromised. Mr. and Mrs."WTH are you kidding me?" Clarence Thomas. It feels like, especially because of this particular news, America is stretched beyond itself.

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Karyn, I honestly believe that our system is so broken, that all branches of our government are in one way or another compromised. How do we keep our faith in these corrupt officials running our country? The good lawmakers are sincerely trying to work for all Americans. Hope and pray they will prevail to save our.country and our democracy.🙏

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Some politicians are earnestly trying. But you're right there are no safeguards from any branch of the government. Our system is broken. And if Mr. T and team are not convicted of any crime, how do we recover from that?

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Mar 25, 2022Liked by Ari Melber

First of all, still reading closely - keep the rhetorical questions coming! They make us think about the multiple facets involved in decision making. Or at least how busy your head is : ).

The questions you pose speak to the effectiveness of our legislative branch. Plenty of our politicians are focused on Americans’ daily challenges, but what do we do with a paralyzed senate?

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okay you made it to the end, lol

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Mar 25, 2022Liked by Ari Melber

Most politicians are way above the average income. They hire maids and personal shoppers, and float on schmoozing those who curry their favors (lobbyists). They are so removed from the working class, they've forgotten we exist, unless we somehow have an incident they can use for PR coverage ( disasters, kids in hospitals, etc).

And, they are constantly 'soothed' by vacations, their income bracket brethren, and their investments so they don't have to consider their wealth exists from the layers of poor underneath them; they look up instead, and grouse over those who have even more excess than they do. This issue is now global, not just in America.

However, while they ignore reality, the ability of the planet to continue human life forwards is shortening. Yet they have children and ignore the tower is built on sand. Very perplexing.

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Melissa, Reality will NOT be ignored, especially on VOTING DAY(S), right? :)

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Mar 26, 2022Liked by Ari Melber

Yes being a single parent back in the day I had to suck up my breath and muster all the energy I had t o make ends meet ! It always felt as though I could never do enough yet I persevered! However making ends meet was the light at the end of the cave 🙏

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God bless you for giving hope to anyone that might be struggling right now. 🙏

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What keeps most of us going, with all that's going on, is the thought "What would it be like if the prior "POTUS" was still in office???" Chilling.

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Chilling indeed! But also frightening is a return to Republican control. Imagine our economy under them. Or women's health, climate change, January 6 commission, democracy...

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Donna, hello! Reading your profound truth & I'm .......FREEZING :)

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Hey, how are you???? I just can't imagine what things would be like if "Orangeman" were in office. Your right !! Freezing is a much better word. :)

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Now..THAT made me laugh! Thanks... I'm been told to stay in bed; (I've been ill w/ "Paget's" Disease of the Bone...look it up (I had to) so, my spine fractured in (9) places and I'm v.grateful for the surgeon I had....

Here's something "funny"...My girl-friend stated..."Bernie", when u were in recovery, the surgeon asked if u can lift/raise you're right foot, then your left foot ad repeat that move 2 or 3 times!

"Bernie" (ME) said ....in my stupor. " I JUST don't feel like DANCING right now, IF it's okay with you"....which had, even the surgeon (Dr. Marden) cracking-up, laughing!!

Lorie then said.."Oh, doctor, u should hear her when she's awake"....... :)

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Mar 25, 2022Liked by Ari Melber

Ari, thank you for writing on the topic of poverty. I am happy to see you taking on the subject, and hope that you will delve deeper into systemic socioeconomic inequality. We are working tirelessly within government at a local level to improve access, but even then it can feel futile sometimes (especially here in DC.) If you ever want to chat about how disability policy plays into this I would be happy to chat. I can also put you in touch with friends and colleagues who work within this space when it comes to incarceration and second look policies. Shabbat shalom!

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Income equality is the root of our problems. Homelessness, hunger, crime ( theft, guns, illegal drugs, identity theft, overcrowded prisons…….) We mistakenly blame other countries on drug trafficking, the problem is with Americans demand for them and often it’s to escape life when you have NOTHING. Sex trafficking, same thing, the poverty stricken are lured into a horrible life to satisfy wealthy peoples pleasures. I’m not opposed to capitalism but it must be equalized with social programs. The United States of America has been a failure since it’s inception. We have still yet to see, Liberty and Justice for ALL. Thank you Ari for always recognizing the Truth.

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politicians have no idea what it's like to live on a budget. I think they need to have a term limit for all senators, congressman etc. Once that limit is reached they need to go get a real job and have to work for a paycheck. No more huge homes with staff, no personally owns cruise ships, 10 vacation homes etc. I also get tired of hearing how bad President Biden is doing. That's just B.S. For gosh sake he's doing well, considering all the restoring he's had to do to fix what trump screwed up. If he wasn't lying, stealing, trying to kill us with covid-19, and then being stupid enough to think he would be re-elected. NOT...... I thank god President Bidan was elected, After 5 years I finally feel like I can sleep without night mares. Yeah!! But still counting every penny, but hopefully that will get better. Plus, I also have to give Ari and MCNBC a BIG thank you for all the truthful reporting that has put my mind at ease. Have a great weekend Ari. aka QT.

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Yes Sue, very well said!!👍

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Short answer NO! We have left the poor behind and blamed many of them for their own plight. The rich want to rant about people should “get to work” “get a job!” This is the public service announcement of celebrities such as Kim Kardasian. I don’t believe she is too far from echoing how our politicians feel about their low income to poor constituents. It is easier and some how more humane to help the poor in third world countries then the citizens of our own country.

Do politicians care, it seems they don’t. As they try to create laws that strip the poor of their last bastion of trying to help their situations; the right to vote for a better government. To vote for, just maybe, a government that looks like them, who can understand what they are living through, and who can fight to enact laws that help lift them out of poverty. Now that would be a government that works for the poor, for the people, for our country!🇺🇸✌🏽🙏🏽

Have a great weekend Ari! Also, have a great Birthday next week. I wish that for you now cause I am off to the Dominican for some relaxation!🏝🏝🥰

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Enjoy. What I call my family of the heart live there and are from there. The resorts are nice but get out and enjoy the culture and people. I have been there many times and love it. Bon voyage.

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Thanks Peter! I am having a great time.

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Enjoy the beach, and keep safe😊

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Mar 26, 2022·edited Mar 26, 2022

Have fun on your trip. I do enjoy your responses. Hope you are able to respond to these articles while you are away.

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Thank you on both comments! I hope to melt into the ocean and soak up the sun. I love Ari’s newsletter(as does everyone) so I hope to be able to read them and watch his show. The later might be difficult tho.😂

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Kim...you're excited and it just showed....Later=latter I've been in the hospital a while and that sounds like a great place for (ME) to convalesce... I can dream :)

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Thanks for the typo correction, I think I already slipped into relaxation mode. Hope you continue to get better!

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Thanks I really hope too!😁

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Hi Kim, enjoy your trip!!!😊

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Thank you, I love the beach & ocean so I definitely will enjoy it!🏝😊

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I was once there too. I'm eighty-six years old now and saved every cent that I could throughout my life including refunds. I learned about compound interest and investing. I worked all my life as a nurse and was frugal in how I lived. Today, I'm in a good place and contribute what I can to the politicians and organizations that I deem worthy. But things are different these days. It's harder now, and I worry for my grandkids who have to face such a future.

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Mar 26, 2022Liked by Ari Melber

I’m all about bob marley and his lyrics ! Timely succinct and straight to the heart ❤️ check out Lisa Meridith Huebert. She dances a story about how we are all owned by by ginormous entities named Blackrock and Vangaurd 🤗🤔

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Good article Ari— the GOP, certainly does not care about all the things you list and actually cultivate it for political gain. I hesitated to write this as I do not include you in my observation. Yes, things are not great right now, on one level, BUT, things are not as bad as the majority of the media reports incessantly. Anyone with any iota of history knows that periods like this- and worse- have happened many times … and they survived as we will too. Ari, you and those that precede (Nicole only) and follow you give balanced reporting. I do not want sugar coated news, neither do I want all gloom and doom. There are times one does not see the light at the end of the tunnel but I do know that if one walks forward enough with head held high, that light will appear. Keep up your balanced reporting Ari.

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Mar 25, 2022·edited Mar 26, 2022

Good evening Ari! Yes it is very exhausting and the politicians don't care about the challenges that we, the American people, face on a daily basis. But Ari, as Senator Cory Booker said at the confirmation hearing of Judge Jackson: "I am not going to let Satan steal my joy". I pray you have a great weekend doing whatever bring you your greatest joy. You certainly deserve it! I love you Ari and Gog bless!!!!

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Let's talk about one politician in particular for a moment. I hate to do so, actually, but she makes my point every day. Marjorie Taylor Greene.

Ms. Greene has sponsored or co-sponsored several bills during her time in Congress. Most, I believe, are direct attacks on those who irritate her. For example, she has sponsored multiple bills to impeach President Biden. Just because. She's sponsored bills to remove Maxine Waters as Chair of the Financial Services Committee and to expel Ms. Waters from Congress. She has also introduced a "Fire Fauci" bill.

On the flip-side, she introduced a bill to award Kyle Rittenhouse the Congressional Gold Medal. My mind gets muddled when I try to recall her logic behind this one, though. Ms. Greene has also introduced legislation - a lot of legislation - to protect 2nd Amendment Rights in one form or another, including a bill to abolish the ATF (they irritate her).

One of her main goals (because she HATES government interference in our everyday lives) is to make abortion illegal throughout the United States. I'm not arguing for or against abortion here. My point is that while she advocates overturning Roe -v- Wade, Ms. Greene also does not want the United States government paying for childcare, housing, medical care, or schooling (because you know there are sick bastards out there everywhere trying to fill the minds of 3-, 4-, and 5-year-olds with critical race theory and telling them it's okay to be gay). She does not think it is the purview of our government to help pay to raise the children she would force women to carry to term.

I think our representatives and senators should be made to go back to their districts on a monthly basis with a report of everything they have done to earn their salaries in the last 30 days. Once their constituents can see their representatives and senators are doing nothing for them, things may begin to change. We do not need people like Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, Matt Gaetz, Ted Cruz, or Josh Hawley vying for the title "Biggest Asshole of the [Senate/House] on our dimes. Because times are difficult, and we don't have enough dimes to waste on garbage.

I, too, am glad Joe Biden was elected. The economy does better under Democratic leadership, and that's just a fact. Biden's doing a masterful job with the Ukraine crisis, and he has done a great job with the pandemic. The country has opened up again. Kids are in school. There are still a LOT of problems to be solved, but Rome wasn't built in a day, and every one of us has to do our part to help. That includes (and probably starts with) electing responsible legislators.

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Thanks Lori for bringing this up! It's unfortunate, but the list of unserious legislators you mentioned absorb so much attention and they know it. They are the headline makers and they drive news topics, sadly. Just look at newspapers, social media, and news programs discuss CRT and soft on crime this week. Their stuff gets out there. On the flip side, today I saw a poll on Biden circling social media that had him low on what you felt he was doing a good job on. What does that say? I wholeheartedly agree with electing responsible legislators.

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Did you also see the clip of Ted Cruz searching for his own name after his attack of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson? I thought that was pathetic!!

But, to your point: I didn't read the articles, so I am not sure what Biden's actual poll numbers are, but I am not surprised they're low. I think it says three things: 1) Republicans are louder and better at disseminating their messages than are Democrats; 2) We live in the land of "super size." What I mean is that people always want more. They used to want their kids back in school. Well, they got that, so it's time for a new grievance. They wanted the mask mandates to go away, and they have largely gotten that, as well. Time to bitch about something else. They wanted us out of Afghanistan, and we are out. It was messy, to be sure, but we are no longer on the front line anywhere in the world. So, it's time to talk about the rise in crime and blame it on the Democrats. Even if the upward trend didn't start with the Biden administration, and even if Republicans refuse to consider gun legislation. And, 3) We are lazy. It's a whole lot easier to attach ourselves to one channel or one journalist than it is to do our own research. The notion that journalists and/or news anchors are always experts in what they're reporting is completely false; but, many think because they're on the news, that journalist/anchor knows all there is to know about whatever (s)he's reporting. Personally, I would turn to Ari Melber to dissect a Supreme Court decision before I would turn to Stephanie Ruhle to do it. God bless her heart, I think she's wonderful. But, while Mr. Melber is an attorney, Ms. Ruhle majored in International Business, and business is what she knows best. Not legal stuff.

So, there's my long-winded answer. Republicans message better, our society is greedy, and we're lazy.

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Yes, I seen it on social media and also when Ari spoke about it. With Ted it's not very surprising. He's a ridiculous clown. But like Trump, he knows media very well and he plays to that. You bring up some very great points. I agree that Republicans are louder and better at messaging but mostly because they have assistance. Fox is an arm to the Republican party. They go on Fox to get their talking points out to Fox viewers. Other media covers Fox and before you know it everyone is speaking about the Republican talking points. Dems do not have a Fox news station. And they're usually on defense not offense because of it. Your number 2 is related to your number 1. Being lazy makes it really easy to parrot talking points without being curious if it's true/false or if it's more complex than it appears. There's that saying that lies go further than the truth. I appreciate Ari's topics and this forum because it allows for some really good discussions! 🙂 I like reading what others have to say. I learn quite a bit.

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Lori! For the time after reading (SOME) of your comment; I'm NOT saying anything!

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Then why comment at all?

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