How could CNN provide a prime time, international TV platform for Donald Trump to continue with his lies about the election, January 6th insurrection, & sexual abuse of women??????

Must we hear his lies repeated ad nauseum endlessly in the media? He is getting free publicity from the media as he did during the 2016 election.

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I pledge I will never watch cnn again!

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CNN is complicit in elevating Trump. It’s not an accident. It’s by design.

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It's kind of becoming like Fox News, huh??!! They are going through enough people change themselves and it doesn't look pretty

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Good morning Nancy! I was up at 3 had coffee & got the oil can away from the Tin Man and oil my stiff & achy joints - I get the few chores done that I am able, breakfast & see if I’m able to do just one more thing done. Then I do email, then go on the Team Game I have played for 5 years. Then it is nap time! 😂 Have a wonderful weekend Nancy! ☺️

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Kind of sounds like my routine 🌞😏 I call myself puttering around doing my chores--I had one of the most productive days yesterday in years I mean I did several several meaningful things inside my house and out and about that needed to get done!! I thought I was going to be all achy and wore out this a.m. I've had about four and a half hour sleep now but I seem to be all right!! I'm grateful for every moment I have here on Earth--I know my clock is ticking and I feel so vulnerable but that's the way life goes huh? We don't live forever but I sure want to (that is as long as I can take care of my personal needs my self, feed myself, and have a relatively sound mind)--🤗 it was really great hearing from you!! Have a safe and happy weekend 🙏😉💐

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That is wonderful Nancy! I do as I am able each day. I know that feeling of being “helpless”. When my RA was SO bad, I was pretty helpless. I was not able to do anything. Matt had to dress, feed and bathe me. It was definitely difficult mentally. At the time I was in my early 50s and I was scared this would be my life. Thank goodness a medication finally started helping, at least enough for me to have a life again.

Now any day I can do one extra thing besides the things I can usually do each day & it is a successful day!

It was nice seeing you this morning!

Have a wonderful weekend! ☺️💖

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Hi Nancy! Absolutely true - it sounds like they checked with him about the questions. Chris Licht must either want to become Faux or want to tank the network-it was a nightmare having the clown show up and take over. There were questions that a 10 year old would have asked. Sorry 10 yr olds- even younger.

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How about a nit wit😏?? You guys are really either up real early in the morning or you're up like me at 3:00 a.m. well it's almost 3:30 a.m. I'm a night owl good hearing from you

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Pamela you're up too!!!😏💐 This is the time I shine!!!

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Respectfully--I believe all voices should be heard but I object to is the lies and propaganda and the mudslinging--it's very very important to hear all sides even if a person doesn't believe in another person's agenda or viewpoint it's important to acknowledge but be respectful about it!

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Well said!! The way you responded was respectful, enlightening, and productive--mud slinging is okay as long as it is truthful at least that's what I think anyway--I'm not a subscriber of lies and propaganda however--to me that is leading people on a dangerous path --I am sure that there are Democrats who have done things in their own self-interest s---I'm a lifelong Democrat and I believe that with the Republicans we can find some kind of common ground to work with for all people of the United States--perhaps I'm too idealistic 😏 be well ,be safe

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Carolyn, I’m with you?! I’d like to sentence them all to some basic Psych classes, to learn about behaviors, themselves, and how they are all enablers! Yes, report on new and significant information, but this 24/7 stuff has got to stop! And now, there is Santos, who relished in his stardom on yesterday. Even I watched that fiasco (for several minutes), because I thought the media would walk away, after a while, but NOOO! So, I turned...and I REFUSED to watch CNN! As a matter of fact, only watch “Inside Politics,” with John King-love his no nonsense presentations, and “Early Start.”

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Hi Olddiva, I didn’t watch the CNN Town Hall and was not going to waste my time watching anything that Trump has to say which are all lies and fascism propaganda

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I know, Ms O! I stopped, during the 2016 race. It was nauseating, to see them permitting him to do interviews over the telephone, from his bedroom, in his pajamas. How asinine! No thought to the fact that this person was running for our highest office. But it helps one to understand how our most historical, heinous criminals, were able to maneuver amongst the people and be supported: Infatuation, Ignorance, Nonchalance!

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Your last three words hit the nail on the head

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Hi Nancy!💛

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It's scary!

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Completely agreed!

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I used to like CNN but it's become too controversial of late!!--like you I turned it on to CNN and watched about a minute if that and went back to old faithful MSNBC and Ari in the game!!😏

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Nothing like seeing 2 of some of my favorite people this morning Ms Diva & Sandra O!!

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May 11, 2023·edited May 11, 2023

OK, don’t mind sharing the affection🥰

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I watched on a few minutes only cuz Matt had it on - could not stand it!! Ear buds & in another room!!

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Well, today reveals you missed absolutely nothing😂

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😂 I listed the things he would say when Matt & I talked about - he was laughing cuz I had not only gotten it right I had it in order 🤣!! Now who is it you listen to? I need a normal

No nonsense thing to watch/hear. Especially now that only Monday do I get Rachel!

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As you know, I’m an early bird, bedding down 7-8. Can sometimes push it, but I’m dozing😴. So, I’m awake 1-2am. “Early Start,” with Christine Romans airs at 2am, CNN. She’s a Business Correspondent and very professional. Towards the end of her program, she touches upon Finance, which I like. At 9am, “Inside Politics,” with John King. Those are the two. Occasionally, I might watch Laura Coates/Alisyn Camerota. They switch off the 7/8 pm hours. You never know who’s covering which hour. Both are good, but Laura is a former US prosecutor. Very sharp, smart! After Nicolle, Ari and Joy, I might wonder over to Netflix, then back to Rachel (Mondays) and Lawrence. It just that, by then, I’ve seen/heard enough. Otherwise, it’s contingent upon the guest.

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Hi Pamela, Ari is covering for Nicolle. Hope you are well!❤️

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Thanks for the info - I hope he has time for us - soon 💖 miss you guys!

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Hey there stranger!! How ya been dear one?

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I’m well, Pamela! Nothing new here, it’s all occurring back East.

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I hear that! The Orange Ogre has to be held accountable!! No pardon for traitors!!

Miss chatting with you Ms Diva! I will be watching for another newsletter from Ari! I hope to see everyone soon! 😉💖

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Okay Ms Diva thank you - I’m an early bird as well. I prefer it as I love being up when it is still dark. Now that I’m in Arizona, it is so damned hot in summer 24/7, that it is only bearable before the sun comes up. At night it stays light and HOT no matter what time you go to bed. I started working early shifts & I loved it. Even though I’m not working now I still keep those hours, or they keep me!!

I rarely ever watched CNN once we changed from cable to streaming. I had not heard of those - I am now swearing off of them because of last night thanks for the info Ms Diva!

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I could not watch. It felt too much like 2016. Once I heard they were doing a townhall this early in, I knew it was for the entertainment and ratings. I couldn't do it. Santos thinking about running for president in the future is just wild to me. This is seriously a thought in his head. Unbelievable!

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😂😂😂Oh, really, CG…”a thought ,” as in Trump for president? Nowadays, we just don’t know. The electorate is way off course. It’s a wait and see for each declared candidate—also, a mess!

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Both have no business even considering and both are clearly sociopaths. There's no way someone who was impeached twice, attempted to steal an election (still believes it was stolen from him), has charges against him, lost his SA trial, and has several other investigations against him, thinks he should run again and be president. And I doubt Santos will even make it to his next election. The cajones!

Yes, it is a mess!

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Giving a platform Just reinforces how dire circumstances are in America

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I'm so glad I didn't watch it. But from the clips I did see, the audience clapping and laughing was incredibly disturbing.

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Hi Carolyn, I hear you! My sentiments too! CNN stoop so low to Trump’s rubbish (lies and promoting fascism)

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The answer is money. Approximately 4 and half times the number of viewers watched that time slot compared to the same time slot the previous evening. Add to that the possibility that business combinations may merge competing networks leading to a totally different broadcast strategy. Stay tuned!!

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Amen Ms Betty - it was nauseating!

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I would add that his lies are intentional and inflammatory (obviously) but that is part of what makes him threatening to our democracy. His cultish base eats up even the most transparent and outrageous lies and behavior. No reasoning or proof changes that. We really have to go strong in this next election because we know the GOP policies are out of step with the people. We have to push back, mobilize, and get out the vote.

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Come gather 'round people wherever you roam

And admit that the waters around you have grown

And accept it that soon you'll be drenched to the bone

If your time to you is worth savin', then you better start swimmin'

Or you'll sink like a stone for the times they are a-changin'

Come writers and critics who prophecise with your pen

And keep your eyes wide the chance won't come again

And don't speak too soon for the wheel's still in spin

And there's no tellin' who that it's namin', for the loser

Now will be later to win for the times they are a-changin'

Come senators, congressmen please heed the call

Don't stand in the doorway, don't block the hall

For he that' gets hurt will be he who has stalled

And there's a battle outside and it's ragin'

It'll soon shake your windows and rattle your walls

For the times they are a-changin'

Come mothers and fathers throughout the land

And don't criticize if you can't understand

Your sons and your daughters are beyond your command

Your old road is rapidly agin', please get out of the new one

If you can't lend your hand for the times they are a-changin'

The Times Are A Changing;

The times are a changing,

The times are a changing

Here it is Ari,

The line it is drawn the curse it is cast

The slow one now will later be fast

As the present now will later be past

The order is rapidly fadin' and the first one now

Will later be last for the times they are a-changin'

Songwriters: Bob Dylan

For non-commercial use only.

Data From: Musixmatch

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yeah... greatest poet and prophet of the boomer generation...

And yet, he was wrong... the sons and daughters of my youth didn't create the change we need... the white nationalists did though... and to me, they don't count.

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Yes they did create change. It's just that maintaining change requires vigilance. The sons and daughters got old. Keeping change requires new blood, with the energy, bravery and knowledge to do the work. I see a new group emerging to fight the fight.

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We really didnt change much. Failed to pass the ERA. And the great leaders weren’t boomers they were the greatest gen: JFK, MLKjr, and Lyndon Johnson who finally ended the Viet Nam war and signed the Civil Rights Act.

My gen gave us W, Clinton, and God help us tRump.

Yes young people are standing up but everything will be very difficult as millions of climate and political and refugees are on the move searching for sanctuary.

We need to discuss reality and how we will help and house and feed and protect the massive migration of humanity. How will we live when climate change creates havoc on our farmlands, .

Im sorry but I truly disagree with you that we boomers changed much of anything. Weve lost womens healthcare, freedom to read books, and we are astronomically ahead of every other nation in gun deaths and mass shootings, and children slaughtered in schools.

The US added substantially more to accelerate climate change than anyone else.

I have grandkids and i feel we have as a society, failed them

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May 11, 2023·edited May 11, 2023

"Compared to previous generations, baby boomers have created an era of freedom and fought for social change. They fought for women's rights, gay rights and civil rights and aimed for social equality. They created an era of service and volunteering. Workplaces have benefited immensely from the policies they have fought for and actively implemented. More diversity has been infused into all aspects of society- schools, communities and jobs because of their advocacy." The EPA was started in large part because of their focus on the environment and protecting the earth. " Baby boomers have been a socially and politically distinct group, defined by activism, social change and freedom. Socially, they have fought for social equality. baby boomers have created an era of optimism and raised their children with the idea that social change is possible, that they can be anything they want to be and that social policies, especially in the workplace, can be changed to adapt to changing society." Because of the baby boomers I was legally allowed to marry my husband and my mixed kids lived in a community with acceptance and were able to achieve success and pursue the jobs of their choice much more so than in previous generations. I am proud to share my values and what I stand for and have learned with my grandkids.

The things you mention regarding women's healthcare, mass shootings, banned books etc, are things that are happening now, not what the boomers did or didn't do. It's a new group that want to go back to before the changes that the baby boomers made possible and celebrated. It is sad that it is happening but one generation can only do so much. They can share their knowledge and ideas for the younger group to pick up the mantle- and they are.

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And they were the first generation of women to go to college en masse- which I benefitted from-my dad thought it wasn't necessary but my mom insisted-she was WW2 era but a closeted feminist;

and title IX allowed girls to participate more broadly in sports - my daughters both benefitted from that throughout their schooling.

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Uh huh. We all benefitted enormously. But no one is benefitting now. Look around you! Maybe you live in a blue bubble, idk.

Ive been an activist for over 50 years. And am Sad that it all has amounted to a pile of orange colored fascism.

Was not attacking you personally. Apologies for having offended you. Just expressing what I see and experience. Apparently you see it differently, and thats fine.

Peace. Out.

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What you say is true, but the boomers did get changes started. But then they didn't guard the house well enough, and the non-progressive ones were more devious and found a plan that was the long game that the other side didn't seem to grasp was happening. They too got greedy and started not listening to what was going on. I hope every day that there are more of the young generation that are going to fight for this democracy soon. It isn't our children though, but our grandchildren who I think are going to be the ones leading the fight again. They are tired of being killed in the streets, the stores, the churches, and schools of our so-called civilized society. I never said that generation fixed anything, they showed what it takes to get things changed. If Americans protested like people in other countries do, we would get somewhere. Other countries have taken over and just send the troops and police to shoot the crowd. They don't do it like that here, at least not yet, but if the MAGA wins the White House again, it will be like living in one of those countries. If they get in again, we won't see another fair election.

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Agree- and well said!

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I fear for mine as well. It is such of horrid time- wonder when he will have the National Guard come out shooting. I’m old enough to remember Kent State. It was horrifying! So many lives scarred. We did make changes / unfortunately- Repugs got rid of those things.

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If MAGA gets back in, we will see Kent State Style happening again. Look at how Trump officially supported doing things like that. He wanted them to go roust the pacifist protesters at the Church with guns! They did make them leave but at least not the way he wanted it done. He was so freaking thrilled he got all those people at the Capitol doing shit for him. I have wished someone would assassinate him. But the deep state is there, that is not a conspiracy theory, and it is the military industrial complex (corporate warmongers). They say that is what Kennedy wanted to get rid of. He was on his way to emptying out the Pentagon of those who were part of that. It is most like the CIA that killed him.

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Do you know what I think about? The summer of 2020, when there were federal law enforcement in unmarked vehicles and camouflage uniforms and no one really knew why. I can't go back to that. No one even talks about it.

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Thanks. I think my bluntness offended Diane.

Anyway Pamela. I appreciate your understanding.

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I did that to several on Notes - but they were tRUMPERS trying to get a reaction. I just said it like it was about woman (me too) who never said a word and to say the trial was political & it was awful. Based on politics & and tRUMP was a jerk and it had happened before he was in office - which made them show themselves as MAGA - What about Clinton bet you voted for him. So I am just so tired of stupid MAGA!

Have a good night 😴☺️🌺

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One thought I had was a lot of people died from covid why not welcome refugees?? To replenish those so ouls who were lost (population)--

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Oh no they would be BROWN PEOPLE!! Oh the horror! (Sarcasm intended)

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Let us hope and pray so!!

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Who knew that what he was saying would come to pass??? He knew!!!

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How about this one: “ you hurt the ones that I love best and covered up the truth with lies. One day you’ll be in the ditch, flies buzzing around your eyes. Blood on your saddle.... (from ‘ idiot wind’ by Dylan)

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Your believing lies and don’t trust logic and science. Yes America let’s you live in sin . That is its promise that anyone of any belief has the same rights to privacy and protection from being harmed by maniacal cultists.

You don’t have a right to force your religious “grooming” on me or my children. You are able to practice your beliefs free from persecution. Why do you insist on forcing others to bend to you? Go live in a country that believes like you. You have more in common with the Taliban and worse. Go live there and stop trying to make our country into a fascist and communist state. Socialism is not communism. Learn with the brain your god gave you and stop following assholes who get you to hate by telling you lies. Believe in Jesus? Follow ONLY his words no one else’s

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Of course us people of a “certain age” and probably younger got the Dylan reference!! 👏

I am still sick about that 🤡

I am just as angry about the audience. How are those people living with themselves? I’m so ashamed but they probably are not.

Thank you Ari.

I have become too much “into” noted that I am now sticking with you and only you. I got tired of the trolls after a few days. Nothing against Substack, I just get too angry when people act like fools and do their best to bait normal people. Time for me to remove myself as I did with Twits. So thank you for the level headed writing and the way you keep your cool. Before MAGA, I rarely got so angry.

You are an excellent role model, even for us slightly older peeps!

A tip of my hat to you Ari!

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I think it was a disgrace that CNN allowed the antics of that audience- mocking the victim at such a prominent media event like that. CNN is complicit. Not to mention the moderator was so not prepared to handle a master conman/manipulator.

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Hi Pamela, CNN must be so desperate for ratings that they had to do Trump’s Town Hall...speak about selling their souls to the devil 👿

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Hiya Sweetie!! I swear I doubt they earned more than a couple dollars and a couple of MAGA ppl out of it! Cheap souls!

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I have found that most of them only support him because they want chaos to happen. Or they support his racist ideas. These are people who believe lies about the things they don't like. Like migrants or people of color, or people who are gay or people who don't believe in a god. They are hard to reason with. As long as they never see a downside in their life, we will not be able to change their minds.

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I'm young, Pamela and I'm sticking to that. 😆 But one of my favorite female rapper/pop stars knows him and references him in one of her songs. So, some of them are aware. 😀 I'm still waiting for Ari to interview her.

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Oh yes - by a “certain age” I def meant young!!

And who is she? Would love some new artists to watch for & hear!?

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Doja Cat. But a warning, most of her music is explicit. I like her versatility and creativity. The particular song that mentions Bob Dylan is definitely not clean and I hope you don't judge me. 😆 Sometimes I wonder what kind of guest she would be to interview. It may be too wild. Try listening to Kiss Me More first. 😆

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Saweeet!! I have heard a bit of her music! No worries about clean! I think my language was taught to sailors!! And explicit ain’t no thang Darlin! I am an young/old hippie from the days of freedom, sex drugs & rock & roll days …. Of course I was as chaste as …… uh huh yes!!

Now I will check out more of her music!! I can say I’m a friend of a friend of hers!! 😂

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Oh good! I feel like I often need to bring warnings when I'm not sure. I absolutely didn't want to offend. I love all music. I use to dance and then I taught dance classes, so I was introduced to so many genres, which I am happy about. Doja is a different artist who doesn't fit nicely in a rapper's box and I love that. She sings, raps, and dances. She can go pop, rock, or rap. So she stands out to me. Lately I've been obsessed with Durand Jones and the Indications. Love them!!

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Just watch Witchoo - Durand Jones & the Indications- excellent and absolutely felt the dance moves!!

Excellent! Now have to see more Doja Cat! I have a couple of others that were recommended to get to

During HS I was Rock & Roll bands but I always always have Bluez tattooed on my heart ☺️💖

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I get it - now and then when I may let out a stream of f bombs - it doesn’t go over very well 😂 But as my cartoon idol Popeye used to say

“I yam what I yam” also just like with the Repugnant party - “that’s all I can stands & I can’t stands no more”

I wanted to be a dancer at a point in life when I still lived at home with a Mother who said NO to the modeling school scholarship set up by the female principal at my HS. NO to dancing as those 2 things were not for “good girls” - so I showed her - 🙄 I got married right after graduation!

🤦‍♀️ she probably would have loved the Repugnant Party of today!!

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Are you saying that you are leaving us?? I hope not I'll be sad to see you go!! You have words of wisdom and the insight that is welcome

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Good morning Ms Diva 💖

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I was a little tentative about the border this morning, but thus far, appears very organized. DAMN! FOX and the Repubs have nothing to which they are “outraged and appalled!”

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Same here Ms Diva!! I figured it was gonna be awful

Because a lot in the services are tRUMP fans and I figured someone would get trigger happy. It was amazing!! Yeah!!

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After listening to Joy’s show today, to how CNN stacked the audience and just did an entire relaunching of/for Trump, I’m done! MSNBC has all of me…until…


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To you to Ms Diva! - I haven’t seen Joy yet - but I will in a bit. They not only had his MAGAts crowd there - they gave then the questions on slips of people as they entered. It was the most disgusting few minutes of my life that I put my own self through.

I caught the beginning of Anderson Cooper before I could change the channel and heard something like he is the leading candidate etc etc - now another journalist has been soiled because of that demon!!

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Hi Ari. Seems our entire government is full of LIARS. Santos beings JUST a Congressman is at the bottom of this food chair when you consider there is a (former, thank God) President and a couple Supreme Court judges in the mix at the very top of this trash heap. Having talked to a bunch of under 30’s recently, I learned that they only know the former president as a reality TV star and don’t see anything wrong with what he does since they have NO clue how REAL Politics works. Believe it or not, they had very little Civics or Government studies in school. As for history.... would you believe they don’t know who Hitler was or what he did, they only know him from groups like the Proud Boys on social media. Things are really getting a whole lot scarier out here. I guess we really need more VOTES & PRAYERS. BTW Ari.....off topic.... did ya find your keys 🔑 😁Thanks for all you do. 🙏🤷🏼‍♀️

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I just wish everyone would watch your show, it's one of the best and fairest on any network. I certainly hope all the cases against both Santos and Trump happen quickly. This country needs a spurt of faith, especially after that repugnant town hall last night. I didn't watch it because I feel like throwing up in my mouth everytime Trump appears in clips.I can't understand how anyone can watch him, let alone applaud him. What a stupid yet dangerous SOB. I very seldom watch CNN now that they have made changes, reminds me of fox-light.

I have never watched fox at any time, only seen clips of their shows on MSNBC. That was enough for me. I can't stand the anger that overcomes me just seeing clips. Need to take care of my own mental and physical health,so I watch shows and read about things that make me happy and hopeful. Can't wait to see your show tonight along with Nicole's, Chris, Alex and Lawrence. By the way Stephanie's idea last night was a good idea, let's stop showing his clips,just talk about him,easier on the eyes! Keep up the great work,you deserve an emmy!!

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Hear, Hear, Sue!

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I used to try to watch Fox a bit. Like drinking poison

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Hi Ari. Yes the lower courts may be changing but with the debacle in the Supreme Court, what effect will it have? Why are we always reacting instead of being proactive? Why weren’t there ethics rules and accountability already in place? Why wasn’t Roe codified? Santos still has his position and able to vote on issues while the court system plays out? Since he’s definitely not the first Congressman to be accused of wrongdoing, why weren’t standards in place to disallow his voting? Even I’m a bit young for that song and I’m an old broad but I’ve heard it before. I appreciate you Sir.

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Yes, we do need to be proactive. These messes should never happen.

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Please have Bob Dylan as a guest. It would be epic!!

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Omg that would definitely be EPIC!!

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May 11, 2023Liked by Ari Melber

Ari, you asked, “Do you think these cases will make a difference? “

The cases will only make a difference-if found guilty-they are punished, according to the rule of law. AND, when the news media stop participating in the craziness, and elevating their need for “notoriety.” Yesterday, Trump and Santos were provided forums to spew lies and unwarranted attacks, into the atmosphere. This morning, all MSNBC shows, who criticized CNN for providing such a platform to Trump, have spent all broadcasts, displaying excerpts of the silliness, with commentary. WHY?! Nothing new to see! So, when there is a systematic effort to stop the gawking, at these two characters, and to punish without favoring, then yes, the cases will make a difference.

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Bob Dylan, of course and he was right.

Ari, here’s a two-part question for you: when does Trump have to pay the judgment to EJC and is he potentially liable again for defaming EJC on that CNN “Town Hall” routfest?

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As an FBI agent, I worked a lot of fraud cases. One "accomplished" fraudster told me, "You have to convince yourself the scam is true at some level in order to convince others." I suspect that's what Santos & Trump are doing with their respective scams.

Greg Stejskal, SA/FBI (ret.) 1975-2006, author of "FBI Case Files Michigan - Tales of a G-Man"

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Still, Greg, the operating word is “scam.” Can they present to another, in such a convincing, manner for them to buy in. They never forget it’s a scam!

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Yes, they know it's scam. That's why I said at "some level" they convince themselves.

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You’re the expert! I just happen to think scammers don’t “convince” themselves They’re always conscious of the fact that it is what it is. That’s why they try to stay one step ahead. I hear people say all the time, Trump believes this is true, that is true. THAT’s his shtick…consequently, THE SCAM!

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I explain in more detail in my column:


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You know what, Greg, I feel l've been scammed, as I read everything I knew, already, in your column. 😂 I'm going to defer to you, the FBI guy, although, I’ve not been sold. We’re discussing the mental art to scamming. Your take, per one of your former encounters, is that one convinces him/herself to BELIEVE what they’re saying is so, in order to pull off the scam. My disagreement is that the scammer never believes his scam, he just tries to perfect it, to make OTHERS believe it! Case in point, Trump always KNEW it wasn’t a “rigged election,” because, as you wrote: “Trump even called for the counting to stop in the early morning hours after Election Day.” And whenever Giuliani and Sidney Powell argued his case before the courts, they never crossed the line, admitting that the election was stolen, because that would be perjury—the same reason Trump didn’t testify in his sexual assault case, but saved all his lies for tv and CNN. Just my amateurish points. But now that I know, I’ll look for your column to see what else you’re talking about. You drew me in—you know, the scam. 😂😂😂. Enjoy your evening, Greg! Great debating you!

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May 11, 2023·edited May 11, 2023

I wrote a column for "Tickle-the-Wire," a federal law enforcement news site, about Trump's election lose con: https://ticklethewire.com/stejskal-trump-and-the-anatomy-of-a-con-2/

Thought it might be of interest.

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The Republican party has turned into a disgusting, traitorous, lying bigoted party. It is up to all of us who believe in our democracy to vote all of these liars out to preserve our country. It is beyond scary to see what has been happening to that party and the people who support it. Thanks for all you do. Love you Ari.

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Debe, they have been lying for a lonnnng time. Only now, they’re on steroids!

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They're becoming confident and blatant in their attempts to overthrow democracy and freedom for all

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…Emboldened by Trump and all the collected scenarios.

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So true!

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Hi Debe, Facts! The lying and all of their atrocities went to a whole new level

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Ari...start when Trump was told by his pollsters he would lose 2020 election. That's when the Big Lie started. Explain the Genesis of the scheme to destroy Biden's administration even before the election happened.

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Trumpty is a bully, an authoritarian and probably a sociopath. We all know that.

Santos is a reflexive sociopathic liar. I’ll repeat: He lies reflexively without thinking, making things up as he goes. He later tap dances around his lies, maybe claiming a misunderstanding in an effort to clarify. What a phenomenal waste.

Book ‘im, Danno…

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You just described Trump, as well, except he would never admit to misunderstanding. And I would add Psycho, to his sociopath.

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😂 I see you sociopath and raise you a self serving ego maniac conman!

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No. Trumpty will always say that we misunderstand HIM.

I agree that he is probably a psychopath as well.

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I have a notice you said you are turning in early- you sound like me! 😂 sleep well Ms Diva!

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May 11, 2023Liked by Ari Melber

About MSNBC Mavericks featuring Logic: composing music on a fly and rapping, that is so awesome 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽😃😃😃

Logic got mad music skills👍🏽😃

Ari, you and Logic have a good ear for music👍🏽😃🔥

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Wasn’t it a fantastic interview?? The new lyrics were so good!!

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It was pretty cool that he involved Ari, too, Ms Pamela !

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You betcha!! Smart move 😂 I would have as well!

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We should not be surprised! Ari always delivers for us!

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Hello, Ms O! Logic has Killer music Skills! Jeremy O. Harris the previous night was an untapped talent whose voice America needs to hear more of! Ari keeps delivering for us!

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Hi David, I love Jeremy O Harris in Emily in Paris😃

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I was unaware of his body of work. I'm glad Ari has brought him to my attention!

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Loved them both - Logic m is new to me- 😂 in more ways than one 😂

But he was wonderful! 💖💯

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He needs to go to jail

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Ah, Ari -- once again a musician prophet (this time from the original Beatnik era) has seen what is happening now. And yes, I still listen to Bob Dylan. January 6 comes through loud and clear:

Come, senators, congressmen, please heed the call;

Don't stand in the doorway; don't block up the hall,

For he that gets hurt will be he who has stalled.

There's a battle outside, and it's ragin';

It'll soon shake your windows and rattle your walls,

For the times, they are a-changin'

And now, with all the younger people in State Houses, and in the Senate and House of Reps:

Come, mothers and fathers throughout the land,

And don't criticize what you can't understand;

Your sons and your daughters are beyond your command.

Your old road is rapidly agin';

Please get out of the new one if you can't lend your hand,

For the times, they are a-changin'.

Is he also predicting the 2024 election:

The line, it is drawn; the curse, it is cast;

The slow one now will later be fast,

As the present now will later be past.

The order is rapidly fadin',

And the first one now will later be last,

For the times, they are a-changin'.

The destroy/rebuild cycle is in full swing now, accountability has become a watchword for those who would try to pull the stunts that trump and Santos have. Complacency is really no longer an option, and more people are getting involved, organized, and are more determined to see the country making progressive strides. We've been slow on the uptake since 2015 when so many fell under the spell of trump, but his time of wizardry is gone. He has no "magic" left. His alchemy was fools gold, not the real thing. What is happening now during this change is what President Biden mentioned during his campaign - the soul of the nation is "coming out of the darkness and into the light", and the younger actors on the political stage are the forerunners of what I hope is to come: and that is what the founders wanted, a society built on the rule of law. This coming generation can achieve this ideal society and infuse it with compassion love and caring for all humanity and our planet as well.

The events we've been going through are not the beginning, but rather the end of things started decades ago. Ari, the new generation of musical prophets in rock, rap, ;hip-hop, can tell us so much and make us remember so much as well -- learn from history, don't repeat it is one item. You, Ari, are an inspiration for everyone to learn more, pay attention to what is going on, fact check what we read or hear, seek the truth even though it may be painful to learn, the alternative could well be far worse.

Congratulations on this article Ari..., you've really struck a chord in all of us. You set The Beat, we'll try to keep up with and augment this new rhythm. When is your next zoom call?

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a changing!

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It’s amazing how appropriate Dylan’s words were then snd still are today. People should pay more attention

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