It would seem Putin wants to take advantage of a divided America and FOX is happy to do their part.

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Well Josh..It would seem that Putin knows LITTLE about this country & frankly neither does "Fox" news..which was discussed quite,recently by myself/olddiva & many others : )

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Actually, he knows a LOT

"Putin realized that despite the lofty rhetoric that flowed from Washington about democratic values and liberal norms, beneath the surface, the United States was beginning to resemble his own country: a place where self-dealing elites had hollowed out vital institutions and where alienated, frustrated people were increasingly open to populist and authoritarian appeals. The fire was already burning; all Putin had to do was pour on some gasoline. [...] The polarization of American society has become a national security threat, acting as a barrier to the collective action necessary for combating catastrophes and thwarting external dangers. (Fiona Hill at Foreign Affairs)"

Putin is doing to the US what the US has done to Russia and other nations for decades: discovered and "leveraged" internal ethnic/religious conflicts to create disorder.

See: Hmong, support for Afghan jihadis (a bit of blowback there) Kurds. The US supported the Chechen uprisings in Russia.

The Internet has given Putin (and others) the power to retaliate in ways they never could, previously.

Trump's opposition to "forever wars" doesn't rise out of any systematic geopolitical insights: he just senses the innate desire of Americans to avoid foreign entanglements, and their reaction to the futility of these wars, not to mention the egregious lies told to us to justify them.

It's a gigantic mistake to back the current Ukrainian fiasco just because Trump will oppose it.

The current "democratic" government is the result of a coup staged by Victoria Nuland, anyone can read a transcript of her successful machinations on the BBC Website.

The EU was opposed, you can read her"bleep the EU" dismissal of "allies" in the leaked transcript.

Essentially."we" replaced Putin's corrupt oligarch with "our" corrupt oligarch, with the assistance of neo-fascist elements such as the Right Sector and the neo-Nazi party Svoboda.

The eastward march of NATO is a self-fulfilling tactic tocerate an enemy. NATO should have been disbanded along with the Warsaw Pact.

Revulsion over Putin's Mafia-like government is not a reason for a dangerous war. Otherwise -- why aren't we bombing Saudi Arabia?

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I Do agree ..Putin DOES know a lot...about Russia...I must apologize to Baba and other communists who (may...want to live there) however, apart from this.......Comments are usually NOT as long & after a long day's work......I truly haven't the energy/need to respond.......Have a lovely weekend & stay safe :)

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Josh! As curious as I may be....FOX NEWS/whatever..I DID watch once....Looks like a wrotten. badly written, COMEDY..OR..a bunch of (bloody) morons....You choose

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Putin, is just trying to show Russia is still relevant, unfortunately or fortunately China is more of a growing treat, my feelings is he may play his hand and lose big. It is up to the world meaning, the Free World to do what is necessary to protect the rest of the World from Strong Men like him just my opinion!😉

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Eve, good comment...history show's Russia has had numerous, dictators in the past & comes to those, (who lived in that era) many BAD memories...didn't our President comment about this country always being "seen" as-the-one all (dictators) stay clear from?

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Yes, but unfortunately the USA have there own internal issues, if not careful and stand up for what is right, you will implode from within, we can not let that happen, we have to fight for what is right in this world, your thoughts and comment is appreciated 😊

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Eve, I gave you my comment so after a very LONG days work.. Have a nice week-end.......o.k? That goes for everyone :)

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Great weekend take care

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Feb 10, 2022Liked by Ari Melber

So good to hear you, Ari. I truly feel that Putin has always wanted to rule the world as its dictator. He elects himself President of Russia and funds himself on the country's personal funds.

He seemed in true alliance with Trump for both of them to run our world. I'm sooo glad it's you who has such knowledge to inform us and I listen to all you ever have to say!!! Thank you so much. Hugs, Ellie

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More like Trump being Putin’s “Manchurian President.”

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Elaine, I don't THINK Putin really gives darn about his country or it's people! However, you certainly ARE knowledgeable re: Donny-Boy's "relationship" w/ other dictators and they are "something-else"......Did you leave out any others?

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Elan...I'm sure you already know "something" about Putin..as your "comment" shows!

It IS ......nice to see comments such as yours.......stay well :)

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Feb 10, 2022Liked by Ari Melber

Thank you. That’s a lot to process, but answered many of my questions as to why America is always involved in other country’s issues - problems, we got our own problems.

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Hey Ari:) Thanks for breaking this down. There's is a lot to absorb and understand, but the stakes are so high, it's important for all of us to know what’s going on, not only here domestically, (which is already a lot), but what’s going on abroad as well. I think people in this country really need to understand what an autocratic government is. Putin is a dictator. Period. If we are going to continue to be a democracy, we have to support democracy, and it's ideologies, in order to sustain it. A lot of people in this country, are now on the side of Russia, depending on where they are getting their news. Its crazy. We can’t take for granted, or assume that democracy is just something that will survive on its own. We all gotta do our part.🙏🏽✌🏽💯

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WoW! Tasha, wanna run for a Government Position in the next election?

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Well stated, Tasha…”Where they are getting their news,” is an issue. I often wonder how long are we to consider FOX“NEWS”(FN) and similar channels, news entities? FN leads in promoting all things anti-government. At some point, the FCC has to figure out Free Speech vs Propaganda vs Democracy Destruction.

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GREAT comment ....as always. Diva have a lovely week-end & hope you don't miss your grand-daughter too much :)

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Feb 12, 2022·edited Feb 12, 2022

I do miss her! Spent a lot of time with her over the years, but not just the two of us, since she were a toddler. I got to see her as an adult. I’m so proud, and take all credit for the genes I provided-at least, that’s what I tell her parents. This 🙄is the look I get. HA!… Oh, I will have a great weekend, Bernie. It’s SUPER BOWL! Enjoy yours, too—All you guys out there!

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Awwww you're a proud grandma!!!

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Putin and the former guy are made from the the same ego stroking cloth. They just want attention, so they feel relevant. It's difficult to imagine our military getting involved in another conflict. My dad was a Korean War veteran so I heard many sad stories about his time serving in the military. It's a tough situation.

I am amazed how much information you actually are able to report on in the hour that you have for your show. Great job, and shout out to your wonderful staff.😁🙌👍

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Ari, well said, always on target, and truthful, not fake. And very informing for all of us. PEACE AND PROSPERITY FOR ALL IS THE BEST WAY. Sometimes that is not so easy.

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Patricia....your latter comment really got my attention......Sometimes, that isn't so easy' :)

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As always you provide outstanding reporting the facts. Thank You

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Great to hear your voice--in print! You urge to think beyond the moment. OK, a great place to start is Melvin Konner book: "Women After All" [p8] where he states [as anthropologist MD] that men are biologically inferior to women. This accounts for men compensating by aggression--like Putin--posing half-nude, riding bareback. It's action-boasting, shallow yet extremely dangerous because he himself does not fight but sends his hyped-soldiers. KGB like CIA "home-fellas" act tough to impress themselves in eyes of whole, wide world. Booo!

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Malecoward... Sounds like a decent read, however these days are sooooo busy for many here...I personally don't have time for reading, as much as I used too,Thanks for your input :)

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You can speed-read the good ones...book under your pillow. mc

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Enough said....have a great week-end ........too ALL... :)

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2 red-heart "likes" is more than anyone can dream of. Bernadette and Coppola are both names of international fame and promise. Can 3 meet in friendship and peace? Ah Yes!

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I'm flattered however, this is NOT an online dating Service..IS IT?

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You make me laugh! It's what WE make it...n'est pas?

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Half-nude horseback is about appealing to women like old romance novel covers, imo. Both that and the cowboy archetype in the American West are actually quite toxic masculine figures in many senses... But not all of them. Why is it there were so many mail order brides from Russia over a span of time?

It's actually even more than the ego-posturing we are seeing with these dictators. The energies on the planet are changing men and women towards a new curve. I'm hoping it's a healthier one. Putin is actually very passé and he seems to know this.

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Melissa, Riding shirtless is exactly the reason ANY males in politics won't be seen in pics replicating themselves... in the way Putin has! I've no idea as too why so many "mail-order" brides r from Russia since (THAT) subject I have no interest in....As for Putin I've never met & was unaware of him being passe, where did you learn so much about this man?

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Melissa, love your discerning comment, including your play on word "curve" as in your Gaia reference. You take things to the next level! Thanks for that peek into Putin's desperate yesterday-psyche. mc

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Ok, so how does the perception of power benefit Putin? Besides ego-stroking. I could see Trump falling for that show of force, but not the current administration. And would Ukraine joining NATO diminish that perception?

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very good questions, honestly

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The authoritotalitarians only have the show of power, force, fear. It's not like they have better, more enlightened, administrative, business, and bureaucratic processes. Spoken and unspoken visible and invisible domination is all they've got to maintain power.

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Exactly. It's perception.

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The perception of power benefits Putin because, as they say, power is everything. If people believe he has power, he has it. And few will be willing to test him. Look at Ari's statement: Putin has us all guessing again. Again - because he can! Because he loves it! Because he's a bully! Yes, much of his power is rooted in his ego, but over-sized egos are often what make a person dangerous. Like Donald Trump, Putin has gotten where he is by running over people, consequences be damned, and those who have lived to tell the tale of Putin running over them have frightening stories to tell. It's psychological. So is the "insult" Ukraine would deliver to Putin by joining NATO. It's the stereotypical 10-pound weakling standing up to the playground bully and winning. All that said, I agree that Joe Biden won't be scared away by Putin's blustering. But, Trump wouldn't have been scared, either. He would have been saying, "Hey, can you teach me how to do that?!" Trump was stupid enough to believe that he, Putin, Kim, Xi, and Duterte were going to rule the world "together." Peter Alexander, I agree with everything you said, particularly your wish that Angela Merkel were still in charge. But, Sig, what a dismal outlook!

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Lori! What about Hitler...didn't he TRY-THE HARDEST? Especially his elimination of millions of people due to their "religious" beliefs...now (THERE'S) a subject...

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Try the hardest at what, Bernadette? I don't understand the point you're trying to make.

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Oops! See what happens when you're tired..I MEANT Hitler tried taking over MOST of Europe, as one Dictator (1939-45).. Didn't succeed....killed himself in a German bunker! My grand mother showed me where/when her home was "burned-to-the-ground" from a.....BOMB! (I'm originally from the u.k)......

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Always gr8 thoughts to consider, you are a true Jounalist, Thanku, thanku🇨🇦🙏♥️

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Good analysis Ari. It is a complicated and simple scenario. Putin wants to take Russia back to pre Gorbachev and Yeltsin. Try as he might, you can't put the genie back in the bottle. Even if he invades, the sanctions will severely cripple Russia. I do not want any concessions. Putin created this mess, he has to accept the consequences. I wish Merkel still led Germany. Scholz came across wishy washy. Time will tell. Thank goodness Trump is not president or Ukraine would be lost. Let us hope diplomacy works though doubtful right now. Putin is too unpredictable.

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Peter........Unpredictable? Just wondering if "Donny-Boy" gave Putin ideas as to "what-to-do-with "secret" documents.....HAVE THEM FOR LUNCH...the documents, not the people!!!

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Agree with you, Peter. I, too, wished for Merkel. Scholz seemed hesitant, no real footing. Certainly left me shaking my head.

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When Merkel was in charge...I don't think she was appreciated by Germans; let's see what goes-on..... now she's "retired".....

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You know the old saying, “You don’t miss the water, until the well runs dry.” As in Carter over Reagan; Clinton over Bush 43; Obama over OMG!

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HI!....Yes I do....

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Ari, thanks for this informative and insightful analysis of Russian Ukrainian situation. Emmanuel Macron of France recently visited Moscow to present his diplomatic ideas to Putin. I hope that the continued diplomatic conversations will help to avoid the potential invasion. I agree with your statement, “Vladimir Putin has everyone guessing what he is up to, again.”

Why can’t we all just get along? I hope there will not be any war

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Sandra..Yes, I also saw the news about Macron's visit, I believe our President asked many of NATO representatives to "go-see-trips" also, lots of NATO European countries "visiting" Ukraine......Putin's "PLAN" got a bit stifled by Joe Biden, don't u think? :)

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Yes, Biden stifled Putin’s plan. Another thing: Biden is on this side saying that the Nord stream 2 gas pipeline will be shut down if Ukraine is invaded and the new German Chancellor, Scholz wants to continue with the gas pipeline project (he didn’t really comment on this project during his WH visit). I wonder if this will affect the West dealing with this issue diplomatically?🤔 I don’t know 🤷🏽‍♀️ I am not too knowledgeable on foreign policy and diplomacy

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President Biden (I believe), is NOT going to "show-his-hand"......we'll find out & we'll (soon) see...........For not being too knowledgeable etc..You did VERY well :)

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Oh thanks 🙏🏽 Yes indeed, we will see😊

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Hi Ari, Thanks for clarifying the news. I literally rely on MSNBC to help me through whats truthfully going on. I sometimes worried about Putin before, but even more now that he's got Trumps ear & with all the inside information he now knows about USA. Like where or how to attack us or where we are soft etc. But then again I think about Putin - if he thinks he's so macho (riding horses topless etc) It didn't work for Fabio Lol. Have you seen any pic's of Fabio lately? Oh Please. ha ha ha. So I will continue to watch The Beat for the most truthful news around. I have to go watch todays show on my DVR. was out earlier. Keep up the great work QT. (BTW Waldo - where did you escape to last week? inquiring minds......)

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You made me laugh out loud with the Fabio comment. Never understood his appeal. Hope you already got to see The Beat from.today. It was really good!!! Ari was amazing!!!!

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Yes, I watch it every afternoon.....Ari was in a very good mood was nice to see :)

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Hello Ari! I am sure Putin is enjoying all the attention he's getting. Thank you for helping us to keep up with the latest developments, which is so much. I appreciate all your hard work. Ari, as I observed you on the BEAT to day, I discovered something else I love about you: not only are you very smart and talented, you are a good old-fashioned down to earth, young man! Great show today! Good night handsome!

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I've had the very same thought, regarding your last three words! It's a fact..... :)

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Dorothy! I'm wondering WHAT Putin would think of OUR comments/discussions? lol

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He wouldn't like our comments at all! Have a great one!

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Your broadcast today (2/10/22) was incredible. You were able to stay on track, pursuing Peter Navarro to get answers to specific questions re: his part in the January 6th insurrection. The icing on the cake was Steve Schmidt's passionate exhortation about the future of democracy in the US. By the end of the program, I was exhausted. Great journalistic work!

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THERE, Charles you state exactly how I felt watching "The Beat" yesterday..."exhausted"

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