Mar 13, 2023Liked by Ari Melber

I don't think most Americans have normalized Trump's legal problems. I think most Americans are simply fed up with the Department of Justice and the slow pace of whatever the hell they are doing. Trump and his lieutenants should have been arrested on January 21, 2021 and charged with every crime from jaywalking to sedition. That would have been justice, even if the trial would have to wait until after a thorough investigation. Frankly it would have been a more just outcome for the domestic terrorists that carried out the attack. At this point many of them have been punished while their leaders continue to walk free. That feels like a problem to me.

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The House Republican majority, led by Craven McCarthy and his top lieutenant, Marjorie Traitor Greene, are devoting 100% of their time to their effort to mollify Trump by trashing President Biden and his family and trying to blame law enforcement for Trump's and Putin's obvious cons;piracy to hijack the presidency in 2016.

Now Greene and her fellow Tea Partiers, aka "Freedom Caucus" members, are planning to visit, and demonstrate their support for, the "political prisoners," i.e. insurrectionists, in D.C. jails; Republicans are talking about "expunging" Trump's impeachments, and Trump has promised to consider pardoning all the J-6 defendants if he executes another hostile takeover of the White House in '24.

Little or none of those outrageous activities would be taking place if Trump and his fellow choreographers of January 6th were occupied by the necessity of preparing for their criminal trials.

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Lock them up

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Peter I totally agree with you.

I strongly believe that our Constition has a stranglehold on our ability to inforce laws on the rich and powerful. They have the ability to hire a team of lawyers to puncture all the unnecessary loopholes within our Justice system to delay prosecution and even avoid it.

How logical is it that a sitting President can be impeached TWICE and remain in office? How can a sitting President be instrumental in launching a coup in broad daylight seen by miilions of people and not be arrested?

How can it be possible that 6 years later, this same former President has not been prosected, but is able to run for President again?

Our laws must be amended and brought into the 21st century. The days of our trusting founding fathers relying on gentlemenly handshakes is long gone.

Just take a look at what just happened in Brazil in their recent Presidential election. A coup was orchestrated by the losing sitting President. Within days top officials were arrested. However the losing President hopped a plane and flew to Florida to avoid an arrest.

I wonder where he is hiding out. Interesting to say the least.

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Mitch McConnell had all republicans in the Senate to not vote to convict. He is an accomplishment in toddler trump continuing

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What Peter said, x10000000000

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Yes indeed, Peter🙌🏽 all that you said 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

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I agree with you totally. CAH

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There is and has not been normalcy with anything concerning former president trump. He had solely redefined American politics in the most egregious manner possible.

trump lies about everything. Nothing is sacred except his enormous ego, narcissism and penchant for power accumulation.

He is as vile an individual as a malignant cancer metastasizing upon America.

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The rich and connected get away with murder and the average and poor go to jail

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Ari, in a single word democracy is at stake within each of the probes; while not sounding overzealous and or thumping my chest with the statement, each probe has at the onset the distinction and the ability to impact our democracy in various degrees of importance. All are important because as my colleagues have stated on this platform so eloquently is that the normal everyday person, would have been in the proverbial orange jumpsuit facing charges already which also impacts our democracy because of the different standards mentality when one has either money or power; but as you say on the show Ari, that is the authoritarian playbook in the real world.

What I find galling and sinister is the repeated abuse of the legal system by the ex President… he has in many way set precedent of how to skirt , dodge, and often times abuse the legal levers of justice to allow for better outcomes, which harms democracy.

All in all, the non peaceful transfer of power after the election when he called on his followers to alter history for his political gains is the worst of the many probes, our democracy held but it bent and is still impacting our democracy.

Lastly I would say the country aside from his supporters are tired of the repeated legal problems as they have gone nowhere or somehow it gets negotiated with some plea deal. Equal standards for all with no deference just because of who you are !!!

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I agree wholeheartedly with your comments and observations!! It's a crying shame!

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Just wow. Excellent summary and a clear read thank you. Trump has been skirting legal ramifications for years. He is a narcissist and feels he is above the law and the law does not apply to him. With that being said if he is not indicted on any of the obvious illegal implications then is not the people correct in saying only the poor and middle class are subject to the law. This is big in the fact it effects the trust the people do have, or could have in justice. Sorry for the long comment, I could go on and on lol

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Thank you Debra, and the evidence of double standards in law is a huge problem, as you mention.

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I don’t believe that double standards will ever change it’s been around too many years. However if the justice department does not make trump accountable then the double standards has even broadened. Because who is Trump really? Old money but truly mishandled by him. Who can we even compare to Trump in the history of billionaires? If we don’t hold residing presidents and previous presidents to justice then democracy, truth and justice is definitely in jeopardy. I am truly hoping that Jack Smith is sitting in the bush with a slam dunk indictment and case. Thanks for responding to me. Have a good day and keep on keeping on 😊

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Well, the process of “law” obviously doesn’t apply to him, no matter what happens. Nor does it apply to many more in our society. In fact, that fact is monumentalized by immunities of “public servants” throughout our society.

Following the old saw, “for my friends everything, for the rest, the law” might be fairly interpreted as looking down on the unwashed and ignorant masses by literally all of our immune public servants.

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I agree with Peter 100%.


Being 77 years old and a member of a large percentage of our population not to mention a member of a large percentage of our population that have a very BAD taste in their mouth for the nasty human being that was our president, it is a travesty that we may never see that man receive his comeuppance.

Success is not how large your bank account is your sucess is how your viewed as a human being.

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Frankly I don't think Trump gives a---------about what people think about him!! He has no scruples, no empathy or concern for others etc which makes him a very very dangerous individual and to think some people voted for him for the president and will possibly do it again scares the hell out of me!! I'd venture to say he's a psychopath or the Antichrist!!

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Hi Ari, Most of this has been covered by you, in great detail, on the Beat. If you look at Trumps attitude it says it all. He knows that he will never pay for what he’s done. He can’t be hurt. He admits that if he’s charged it will help him in his run for reelection, and it will. Some ask why he isn’t campaigning harder, why should he, why would he, when he knows it’s “in the bag”. The Dems need to MOVE. We can’t afford to wait a minute longer to silence him & his followers in Congress, most of whom are also getting away with all but murder. I wish we could look forward to the next election, but right now it’s a scary prospect. BTW, love all you do on the Beat that takes us away from all of this...our light at the end of the tunnel. 🤷🏼‍♀️🐰

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Donna I AGREE with your every word. I THOUGHT DUMBPTY Trmpty was an ASSHOLE long before he ran, won, and FUCKED UP OUR COUNTRY. A WANTA BE OLIGARCH.A SEMI ILLITERATE 🦨 🫏

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Not semi illiterate.....TOTALLY STUPID 😂😂🤷🏼‍♀️🐰

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Mar 13, 2023Liked by Ari Melber

Yes. I think that it’s a case of overload. There’s just so much that he’s done and said (and continues to do and say) that people become numb. Trump has successfully evaded all the legal issues he’s faced by muddying the waters, witness tampering, and many other delaying tactics. I continue to hope that he will face serious consequences, but I won’t be surprised if he succeeds and gets away with his many crimes again.

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Mar 13, 2023·edited Mar 13, 2023

Normalized? I don't think so. More like frustrating disappointment in our system. If he comes away unscathed, I'll not feel safe in this country. It will motivate Trump wannabes to more confidently follow in his footsteps. It will make some voters less apprehensive about voting for him, because it'll be easier to believe his lies. BTW, if he somehow makes it back into the Oval Office, I'm moving to Canada. I hope The Beat airs there😊

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I will be moving to Canada in a few months since I am a Canadian citizen. The fact that Trump is still walking free after his many obvious crimes is the best example of “Justice delayed is justice denied “ for the American people. We are fed up.

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I would rather stay and fight for the land I'm entitled to..AND DEMOCRACY!

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Mar 13, 2023·edited Mar 13, 2023

Sounds like a great idea. I support your enthusiasm. I feel the the most I can do is vote. If Trump is re-elected as president😬, I doubt there'll be anymore meaningful elections in the U.S.. I don't know what I could do to fight for my country as a senior. Do you?

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Still thinking about that. Mary.I pray a lot these days, hoping for more goodness and understanding and less hateful minds.

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I agree~"Justice delayed is justice denied"...so far. I haven't completely given up hope yet. I am very cautiously optimistic that Trump will be held accountable. But, my patience is dwindling. The Canadian Rockies are looking better every day ⛷️

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My big worry as well!! If Garland does NOT INDICT what good is he. Who is he afraid of. It will imbolden Trumpty and the World as we know it.....

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I have been wondering every day why hes not moving on any of this stuff wondering what his problem is? We all know that everything he is done criminally he has sung and danced his way out of it for years this has to do with our country and our government working properly if they let him get away with this he will be so emboldened that who the.... knows what's gonna happen

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You just echoed my thoughts an apprehension to the t--I was thinking the same doggone thing about moving to Canada but I'm kind of old now so I don't know that I'd be able to make the trip!

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I want to move out of nazi America too. I'm tired of the book banning and kid control being forced on us all. DeSantis is just as big a nazi as o'le Adolf Trump. Arrest them all for the continued conspiracy of restrictions and hate. Nazis! All of the "republicans" . Cannot trust any of them. They hate everything that didn't come from their sick twisted minds. Without diversity of people and cultures it would be a very sad world. They see no joy and beauty in people that aren't THEM. The most hate filled ignorant nazi bastards since Hitler. We don't want or need their views shoved down our throats. It's already 1939 nazi Germany here in America. Enough of Trump, gag and handcuffs are needed, now before more people get killed by them. Alvin Bragg is not the criminal here. He's doing his job.

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I think most people are exhausted with this rhetoric and Trump. It’s been going on for so many years. so at this point it’s a wait and see.

The outcome has to be an indictment

To set the precedent for future Indictments.

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Right I hear that view/posture as well. Plus, there's only so much time in a day to follow certain things! thanks for reading, Judy

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He ( Trump) has been as slippery as an eel for years. I am in the ..wait and see position at this point. I think as others who have stated..if this was me or the average person, we would be in jail or at least have had charges against us. I am waiting for Georgia, or Florida charges to be revealed. I think those cases or stronger.

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WTF does that mean? He is " not "slippery? "

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Mar 13, 2023·edited Mar 13, 2023

I think she's saying Trump is stupid to have played out his crimes in plain sight and it's the legal system that's on trial here. He's not some mastermind and to attribute that characterization to him his way too kind.

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Forgive me Betty!! I don't think slippery is the right adjective to describe Trump and the reason I'm saying this is because he does everything right out in the open!! Slippery denotes something happening unexpectedly?? In his interviews before he was voted in his president he told us who he was some of us (not me) didn't believe him!! And it was to our detriment

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Mar 13, 2023Liked by Ari Melber

Hi Ari, The New York DA intends to use a state law crime to prosecute a federal candidate. In other words, the prosecutor is moving toward an indictment for felony charges through falsification of business records. There is the burden of proving Trump intended to violate election laws. I don’t think those on the Special Grand Jury want to grapple with complicated election laws.

The Georgia Fulton County Special Grand Jury completed it’s work recently. DA Willis can move to file criminal charges, but she still needs to present her case to a regular grand jury who will have the power to issue any criminal indictments.

I am afraid that some people may have normalized the “documents case” at Mar a Lago.

Special Counsel, Jack Smith’s investigation into the sedition and subversive activities in around the 6 January probe is the most important. It is encouraging to know that Smith is not afraid of the unknown. Smith clearly has the ability to move aggressively and skillfully. I often wondered in the beginning of the 6 January insurrection, who funded the legal expenses for Trump’s inner circle. In addition, who and how was money distributed to the foot soldiers in the coup. Perhaps, Jack Smith can connect these dots.

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Excellent question! I have always wondered where the legal money came from. I'm sure a lot of it came from his illegal business dealings when renting out rooms in his hotel to foreign dignitaries while being President. Which begs the question, why was he able to continue to collect revenues through his businesses? It amounted to hundreds of millions and did our government get any of that back through litigation?

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Trump’s legal problems have already been normalized--for rich Americans, and for the many who rushed into the Capitol and received a slap on the wrist or nothing at all. The cases held by Jack Smith are by far, the most important, because it’s about our constitution--the very thing that affords us the opportunity to even discuss these issues on this platform. Trump isn’t free, just because of his tactics, he’s gone unpunished, secondary to the cowards in law enforcement: Bob Mueller, Cyrus Vance Jr, Merrick Garland; the corrupt: Bill Barr, Rudy Giuliani, and the countless, unnamed NY FBI, prosecutors--and congressional lawmakers! Still, it is my belief that he will deservedly, be incarcerated.

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My thoughts exactly

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Hi Nancy! Basically, the problem is law enforcement keeps trying to prosecute a recent, ex-president, opposed to the forever thug!

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I'm curious to know if perhaps Fox so called news may have violated their broadcast license(s) with the broadcasting of such grave lies resulting in penalties or even loss of license (s)?

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Good morning. I haven’t normalized any of Trump’s legal problems or behavior, but I know many friends and family have tuned him out. I think he’s counting on that. He’s clearly being treated differently than you or I would be- and I think fear is an underlying factor. Fear of going up against Goliath and his base. I think the most important case will be the one that produces a swift felony conviction because that would preclude Trump from running for President. But in the alternate universe we seem to live in he would make an end run on that. Hard to be optimistic but my hopes are with Jack Smith.

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Watching your Tucker segment….how about the Republicans who booed tucker for promoting truth with Republicans. These voters and activists need to be highlighted, questioned and made to answer for the role they play in weakening our nation and emboldening election deniers, promoting/amplifying conspiracy theories and inciting hate and violence.

No one is holding them to account either!

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The arc of the moral universe really is long; it feels like eternity. I feel eroded not normalized by Trump/MAGA ethos. I think he eroded our hope for fairness and honesty in our laws by escaping legal consequences so far. If the evidence supports criminal indictments then I think political considerations should be irrelevant. I think the thud you described is a function of the glacial pace for any accountability for this man. For me the most serious infraction relates to the events of January 6th insurrection attempt. I am not a lawyer so I don’t understand how defendants can utilize legal stalling. Is there a legal end point or can defendants stall forever? Michael Cohen wasn’t able to stall his way out of serving time. I wish I understood the laws that govern this. It apparently is legal but seems so shady. I think that plays into why we all feel demoralized by chances of Trump facing justice.

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Hi Truda. Understand all your points. I know it’s an Ari question, but here’s my take: I believe there is always an endpoint. Trump’s advantage is to over utilize the court system to tire people out, until THEY give up (Endpoint!). As president-ex president, he ascended to additional levels of power. Michael Cohen’s power was Trump. In the movie, “The Curious Case of Benjamin Buttons,” I left with an understanding of how scenarios impact our lives. Brad Pitt’s character, narrates events leading to his love interest being hit by a car. He referred to it as a “Collision Course.” Yes, we have all been annoyed by Trump’s ability to burrow through crimes. But he is on his collision course. Perhaps it takes these multitude of events to finally make him accountable.

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Let’s hope!

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