Aug 10, 2021Liked by Ari Melber

Great article Ari!! Thank you for putting this out there. Jan 6th was an attempted coup and Trump and all involved should be held accountable. This was treason. Period. With all of the new voting laws being passed by Republicans, it is a very scary time. The Justice Dept, hopefully, will treat this as serious as it is. Thank you again Ari!! Have a great one!!

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No matter how many times you report on this coup attempt I still get chills down my spine. I appreciate that you never gloss over Jan 6 insurrection and you keep this story alive. As important as national political elections are you make such a strong case for diligence in local and state elections because as you pointed out these state voting restrictions can undermine everything. Thanks Ari

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The investigation of the coup is still underway. Everything needs to be heard. But sounds crucial to arrest Trump right away. Part of our democracy to check and balance him, which the Senate neglected to do.

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But what are we also going to require of DOJ ... regarding those Jan 6 political prisoners held incommunicado?

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Thank you for this article. To me, the shocking thing about the insurrection was how many people fell for Donald Trump’s “invitation” to overthrow the election results. The shear numbers of people who buy into Trump’s lies indicate some fundamental flaws, not in our government so much, but in our culture. Democracy and freedom are based on mutual trust and personal responsibility. When trust and responsibility erode so does freedom and democracy. As evidenced from the actions of the Trump administration, trust and responsibility were cast to the wind and, as a result, our democracy and freedoms were pushed to the edge. What is the solution? It is complex and requires the coming together of many great open minds.

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Glad you included r-e-s-p-o-n-s-i-b-i-l-i-t-y .

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That was exactly what it was a "test" run 🤭

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It is abundantly clear, it is clear and obvious, that Trump and his enablers tried to thwart democracy, overturn the election. These same enablers led by Mark Meadows, Jim Jordan, Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley et al. ALL had a hand in this outrageous attempt.

If this were China/Russia..where would this entire group be now? Prosecuted by now, in prison for life. America has gone soft AND, as a result, there's no deterrent to repeat.

Time for our "alleged" law enforcement to step up and prosecute these bad actors!!

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Thanks to you and other independent truth seeking journalists for discovery and reporting. We the public would have no idea of the lengths Trump and his minions were going to to thwart a free democratic election that many courts said no fraud. Enjoy your show and these updates.

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Thank you

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Spot on as always. Appreciate you Ari.

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They MUST pick their poison, either they prosecute Trump & all the minions who assisted him in crimes or concede to him out of fear of what his followers will do & let them turn America into a Putin autocracy like they want...pick your poison!

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Thank you, Ari, and all the folks at MSNBC for your commitment to great journalism. There's no question in my mind this was a coup attempt. He telegraphed his intentions back when he signed those pieces of legislation at Mar-a-Lago. Pelosi just laughed him off, but he was trying to usurp the powers of Congress well before he lost the election. I know it's very embarrassing for the USA to have a criminal ex-president, but you have to do the right thing. Trump wants to hurt people; Republicans want to hurt people. They have no right to public office. "Criminals will crime."

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There’s just something about that insurrection that generates ire in me: the gumption, the destruction; the muddiness; the privilege! Men (and a few women) who have access to all the freedoms, the guns, the power, and the privileges, oftentimes present themselves as the most victimized, compromised, paranoid, and fearful, wrapped in all their religious and patriotic trappings. Yesterday, articles were written about each convicted rioter (Terrorist) being ordered to pay back $2000 or $500, contingent on their offense; a total of $1.5 million dollars, of the 400+ charged, versus the $500 million that is being paid by the taxpayers. Needless to say, sentencing is a joke. Privileged! Trump is a whole different story. I think he, Clark, Meadows, the assisting lawmakers, and ALL who accompanied him in that attempted coup, should be severely punished. If it goes as it’s going for the rioting Terrorists, then it WILL amount to a “training exercise” for the next set of political criminals. Informative, Ari.

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Manchin is the key. Get on board and pass the voting rights bill. Before it’s too late.

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Treason... is the charge

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There is no question that without accountability (jail time) this is surely a training mission for the next attempt. It is time the teflon coating be taken down and Trump be charged for his crimes along with the Jan 6 insurrectionists suffering the jail time necessary to equate to real accountability. Ari, please tell us how this can happen!

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This topic still gives me goosebumps! The importance of holding people accountable is a MUST. Like the saying goes, if no one is held accountable, it’s a training exercise. It’s scary to me. I literally shook watching the Capitol on January 6th. As much as I feel a major Trump burnout, I know we can’t stop now. Thanks for another great topic, enjoy your week.

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Thanks so much, Ari. I'm eager to accomplish new Biden promises, but I think we really need to complete holding Trump accountable in every way to end any further attacks on our precious democracy. Oh -- A song for Schumer stepping front of McConnell could be "I got you, Babe". It's truly a treasure to see you every day - again, thank you - with hugs.

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A song recommendation! We'll take that too, Elan

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Ari... Yes I am very tired of the news reporting on the coup attempt and Trump, but most guests continue to remind us how important it is to remain engaged. Trump must win by wearing everyone down so that they just give up. We are a great nation and we can not give up without making him accountable somehow. I hope I live long enough to see him broke and indicted and jailed. I am 74, and I have never stopped wondering how exactly Hitler came to power and had to love and admiration of millions.

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